USMS Deputy Marshall

Defenders of Justice Across Boundaries

The United States Marshals Service (USMS) Deputy Marshal is a highly trained law enforcement professional tasked with upholding justice, ensuring public safety, and enforcing federal laws across the nation. As the oldest federal law enforcement agency in the United States, USMS Deputy Marshals play a pivotal role in maintaining order and apprehending fugitives.
Prerequisites: Law School, No Prison Record

First Term:

Admin/Legal 3
Investigation 2
Observation 2
Slug Weapons 3 (Pistol)
Pulling Strings: Search and Seizure

Subsequent Terms:


Pilot (Rotary)
Slug Weapons (Pistol or Rifle)
Vehicle Use (Wheeled)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Asset Forfeiture, Back-Up, Fingerprinting or SWAT

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Law Enforcement or Criminal. On a 1D10 roll of 8+, this contact is foreign.
Promotion: 6+, +1 if EDU 7+
Resource Points: 2 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Type: Law Enforcement
Special: If more than one term is served, add +1 to Initiative

Special Adventure:

--Witness Escort--
On a 1D10 roll of 6+
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Mobility or Safe House  

Impact and Importance:

  The USMS Deputy Marshal stands as a symbol of justice and protection within the United States. Their expertise in locating and apprehending fugitives contributes to reducing crime rates, making communities safer and enhancing public trust in law enforcement.
  By ensuring the safety and security of federal courthouses and personnel, Deputy Marshals uphold the integrity of the justice system.
  USMS Deputy Marshals have the authority to enforce federal laws and apprehend fugitives across state lines, extending their impact beyond local boundaries. Their swift and effective response to apprehending fugitives prevents potential threats and ensures the timely resolution of criminal cases.
  Deputy Marshals safeguard witnesses and informants, encouraging their cooperation in investigations and enhancing the successful prosecution of criminal cases.
  Their presence and actions deter potential criminal activities, contributing to the maintenance of law and order within communities.
  As guardians of justice across boundaries, USMS Deputy Marshals exemplify dedication, courage, and professionalism in their mission to protect the nation and uphold the rule of law. Their commitment to justice and public safety resonates through their actions, making a significant impact on the nation's security and well-being.

Key Characteristics:

  • Law Enforcement Expertise: USMS Deputy Marshals undergo extensive training in law enforcement techniques, firearms proficiency, and tactical operations, making them well-equipped to handle a diverse range of situations.
  • Fugitive Apprehension: Deputy Marshals are specialized in tracking and apprehending fugitives, bringing them to justice for their crimes, and ensuring they face the consequences of their actions.
  • Court Security: These professionals provide security in federal courthouses, safeguarding judges, jurors, and other court personnel while ensuring the smooth functioning of the justice system.
  • Witness Protection: Deputy Marshals play a crucial role in witness protection programs, ensuring the safety of witnesses and informants who aid in federal investigations.
  • Transporting Inmates: They transport and escort federal prisoners to and from court proceedings, detention facilities, and other locations, ensuring secure and safe transit.
  • Collaborative Skills: USMS Deputy Marshals work closely with other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, fostering effective cooperation in joint operations and task forces.


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