Wealthy - Idle Rich

Living a Life of Luxury and Leisure

The idle rich refers to individuals who have inherited substantial wealth or amassed great fortunes, affording them a life of luxury and leisure. With financial resources that surpass their immediate needs, the idle rich enjoy a lifestyle characterized by indulgence, leisure activities, and the pursuit of personal interests.
Prerequisites: Charisma 8+, Luck 6+, 

All Terms:

Computer Operation
Foreboding (if Empathy 1+)
Vehicle Use
Pulling Strings: Funding (10 Ranks per Term)
Contacts: One per term: Wealthy or Government. On a 1D10 roll of 6+, the contact is foreign.
Resource Points: 5 per Term
Influence Type: Civilian
Other Effects: Three secondary activities allowed per term.
Special: Character may elect use the Estate ops center location for free

  Note: Large amounts of Capital moving around may draw unwanted attention  

Impact and Importance:

  The impact of the idle rich varies depending on how they utilize their wealth and influence. While some may be criticized for an ostentatious lifestyle and perceived detachment from societal issues, others actively engage in philanthropy and contribute to social causes, using their resources to make a positive difference.
  The idle rich can drive economic growth by investing in businesses, supporting the luxury goods and services industry, and generating employment opportunities for others. Their participation in philanthropy and community development initiatives can have a transformative impact on society, helping address social challenges and supporting those in need.
  It is important to note that not all individuals with substantial wealth adopt an idle lifestyle. Many wealthy individuals actively engage in entrepreneurship, innovation, and societal contributions, leveraging their resources to create positive change.

Key Characteristics:

  Wealth and Financial Independence: The idle rich possess significant wealth and financial resources, often acquired through inheritance, investments, or successful entrepreneurial ventures. Their wealth provides them with the freedom to live comfortably without the need for regular employment.   Leisure and Recreation: Idle rich individuals have ample time and resources to engage in leisure activities and pursue personal interests. They indulge in hobbies, travel, fine dining, art, fashion, and other forms of entertainment, often enjoying exclusive experiences not accessible to the majority.   Social Circles and Networking: The idle rich often move within exclusive social circles, connecting with individuals of similar financial backgrounds and social status. They attend high-profile events, galas, and private gatherings, facilitating networking opportunities and expanding their social connections.   Philanthropy and Giving: Many idle rich individuals engage in philanthropic endeavors, using their wealth and influence to support charitable causes and make a positive impact in society. They contribute to organizations, fund scholarships, sponsor cultural events, and participate in community development initiatives.   Cultivating Personal Passions: With the luxury of time and resources, idle rich individuals have the opportunity to explore and cultivate their personal passions and interests. They may delve into art, literature, music, sports, or other creative pursuits, dedicating themselves to personal growth and self-expression.   Lack of Financial Constraints: Unlike individuals who depend on regular employment, the idle rich are not bound by financial constraints in their daily lives. They have the freedom to make choices based on personal preference rather than financial necessity, enjoying a level of financial security that allows them to prioritize leisure and personal fulfillment.


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