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A shady group

The boss noticed them first, drinking in a corner at the Underground Library and talking about the end of the world. At the time he was more interested on the theory itself, but when he saw them again he noticed that they were interested in many dangerous theories about shards and granting.   For a couple of years the group keep meeting, a few new members came and several left. The boss observed them once in a while, from the corner of his eye when he visited the library for entirely different reasons, and they seemed harmless at first. But one day their conversation started to become more... let's say grounded.   The boss informed Gael, the Security admin, just in case. Studying their background and have security employees observing them was a low priority operation meant to confirm that they wouldn't become a danger. At most, the expectation was to lecture some of the team members, maybe even prompting one of them presenting his renounce.   But when they suddenly abandoned the library as meeting place, and instead interacted (to each other and with other employees) in a suspicious way, Gael saw a bigger threat and changed his methods, going as far as getting Witnesses involved, but getting little to no progress.   We only have some names (mostly people who was part of the group when they seemed to be just friends talking in the library), information about their beliefs and the smallest of hints about how they interact with each other. The boss is sure that they keep meeting, but if they are, they do it without traces we can follow to figure out where it is.   On a more concerning note, is not just that they could be conspiring, they occasionally exchange conjured items and ghosts, or talk about attempts on casting magic themselves.   It could be just a small group of people with a shared belief meeting on the library every five days for a few years until their schedules didn't allow it anymore, and now talk about their ideas with anyone willing to listen in the most random of times and places.   We don't think so. The Granter worries about they can get themself, or others, in trouble. Gael is convinced that they will try to seize power sooner or later. I'm sure they are already doing both of those things.   I have no evidence, of course, and Gael has yet to crack their secret code... if there is a secret code. Maybe they are just a little crazy and when they say thinks that don't sound reasonable, it's because they aren't reasoning.   But, if there is a secret language and their leader's orders need to be said in code, that's probably because they are up to something bad.


It seems, so far, that someone they call Presage give direct orders to all the members of the group that we have detected.   They might work in groups (everything leads to think that), that might or might not be temporary. It seems that there are no permanent team leaders.


Leader Title
Founding Date
The granter suspects decades.
Secret, Occult
Apparently they call each other "awaiters", Gael calls them "potential traitors" and the boss calls them "suspicious". I usually call them stupid.
Related Ranks & Titles


This guys have nothing in common, and even some of their beliefs clash, but they are all convinced and moved by certain ideas about the shards and the granter's power. Mostly nonsense like:
  • Shards are evil and need to be controlled to do "the right thing"
  • There needs to be more conjuring, so there aren't enough shards to create ghosts
  • unhappy clients should be eliminated in all cases to avoid them getting revenge for the dissapointment
  • The granter's power can be taken by force (they haven't agreed on how, though)

  • They think they practice some form of magic, but I don't know what exactly they mean by that.

    Articles under A shady group

    Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


    Author's Notes

    A few spoilers, since the narrator doesn't know much about these guys:  
  • They have been meeting for a bit more than five decades.
  • The "magic" they know is triggering the creation of ghosts by exposing them to certain conditions (using items and information from the company to know which shards to use and what conditions they need), not to really conjuring manifestations
  • Yes, they are plotting, that's more or less recent and they have good reasons
  • They have a plan to prevent the end of the whole existence
  • No, I have no idea where they meet either :D
  • — july 24, 2024

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    Aug 30, 2024 05:54 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

    Hi there! Just letting you know that I featured your article as a main in my Reading Challenge. Thanks again for sharing! God bless. <3  

    I always love Escritora Novata's generic naming style and unique narrative voice! The fact that these articles sometimes say a lot but tell us pretty much nothing is amusing as well. This FACTION OF AN ORGANIZATION BUILT AROUND BELIEF was very intriguing to read about and it was also a nice touch to put in the Author's Notes some things the in-world narrator would not know, though there were still many questions left in my mind even after reading that! I love the use of tooltips to explain things I may not be familiar with, and I appreciate the linking of articles that relate to other aspects of the world. I found myself spiraling down a rabbit hole, even going to read about things like Witnesses which was an entry for LAST YEAR'S Summer Camp! This reinforced what I've been learning over the years, in wiki-style articles like these on World Anvil, it's good to link everything. You never know what a reader will be curious about. Also, that other people also sometimes enjoy mysterious articles that don't tell lots of spoilers but are still intriguing due to lovely writing and a fascinating story concept.

    Aug 31, 2024 05:56

    Thanks for including it and for the kind words!