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Discordance Valley


All the area was leveled by the trees growth during the Disseverment, which in many cases created an evident and abrupt difference in height with the neighboring geography.   Even rivers and a lake where vanquished from the area, and the border is marked by a river that makes a sharp turn next to the valley, or half a lake that looks as if it was a missing piece (at least that's what Aye's said, maybe she only sees that because she knows a part of the lake was cut right in the middle, creating smaller lakes at both sides of the greyness.   In other points, there is no difference in the terrain to signal the beginning of the valley, but the trees are enough to make it clear from afar, and if you dare to approach enough, you will feel it as soon as you set a foon on it.  


Only the grey trees grow here. They look gorgeous at winter, inspiring artists of all kinds with the patterns of green and brown created by their flowers.   What? Oh... No, I have no idea if the same tree produces flowers of both colors, they branches interwine, so it could be that too. I've never been in that world, just saw some images when she came thinking she had to return the axe.  

Localized Phenomena

People don't feel safe in the valley. The inhabitants of the region flee when the first trees start growing, which was a good thing, because every house, mountain and plant were turned into soil in the next years.   Once in a while, a kid goes to the forest in a dare or a biologists team sets a camp not so dep in the forest to study the trees, and they all describe some sort of uneasiness. There is no confirmed or hypothetical risk there. No natural or supernatural events, no beasts or monsters. The trees aren't even poisonous of proclive to fall out of a sudden. It's just that the place is a little scary.   According to the last data received from the people on the other side of the valley, to them the valley is not only terrifying but also confusing. No matter what they did, the parties trying to find president Eaminá in the end of the Disseverment, always ran towards the road to Quidistance city, wich was the nearest settlement in their side of the world. Even if they had never been at Quidistance and were trying to enter the forest in a point faraway from it, they would go in that direction, abandoning their camp and company settled a few meters from them and right next to a road to their home.
Alternative Name(s)
The grayness
The forest wall
Included Locations
The Surface

A delusions free forest

  Of course this place scares people.   While the trees are real trees, with the perfectly normal, and not especially long life of a regular plant, the valley was formed with the unmeasurable, angry magic of a very dangerous artifact, with the specific purpose of keeping both sides of The Surface completely separated.   It's very reason to exist, is to not be crossed by anyone, Forever. Not for the next few generations of people or trees; not as long as possible. Forever. That means it can't let anyone stay long enough to damage it either. Which, I would assume, is the reason why people affected by the extremely infections disease that convinces them of things, is more scared of the place and forced to go away when they do as much as approach the valley.   This was a minor inconvenience for the infected people in cities that were surrounded by forest , but extremely convenient for the builders and current inhabitants of the Temple of Discordance.

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


Author's Notes

I know, I know, I should have been more specific and work on the point where they build the Temple of Discordance and eventually felt safe enough to build a life, but it works better this way.
— July 14, 2024

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