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Cleric Eydeamt (a.k.a. Aye)

Aye is one of those few almsmen who has yet to paid for the help we gave her. I actually feel bad about that, because I still think we didn't give her what she really needed. Even more so: she failed to get it herself.   She got something, that's true. But that was a consolation prize... and she shouldn't have that either. Sometimes I feel they let her have that dangerous axe even after she used it to help her people, because they feel bad about how things went.  
She doesn't feel the same. She is grateful for what little assistance we gave her, and she sees the axe as a responsibility (which, could also be the reason why Gael told her that she could keep it).   No matter how happy they are with their results, every client has to pay for the opportunity or tool they get from us. They usually leave shards that had been attached to them for any reason, and others assist us with her abilities or give us a useful tool or piece of knowledge, but they do so right before they get our help. When he personally gave her a map and a silly legend (and a day to work with those), The Granter didn't took her payment.

I wouldn't dare to take the few shards you carry, but that's probably for the best. One day, I might need a favor from a brillant healer from a world of scientists, after all.

— The Granter, 23 hours before Aye added "powerful wielder of dangerous magic" to that list of attibutes.
  Isn't it ironic that I am the one asking for that favor? Yeah. It's a strange day, today.

Mental characteristics


Born in a family of chemists, she was instructed in such topics from an early age, but decided to focus on medicine on her twenties, joining a northern healers temple where she became the aprentice of two different experts. One of them, Eaminá Le-ú, was particularly impressed by her talent, and demand more from her than other students, or even older medics.


She planed to stay at the temple, helping to heal the sick. I have the feeling she would have done good in that job, but she found herself in an unexpected possition with her involment in the efforts to heal the Misreality disorder, casting the barrier that stop it from spreading even more, and becoming the first wielder of the vengeful staff/axe who didn't lose her mind.   People saw her as a leader of sorts, and she was invited to join the council of The Healing Order and, more importantly, she was the only healer with magic abilities. People expected her to swing her shinny axe against the smallest and worst of maladies, and fix everything with no bitter medicines that needed to be taken at specific times. She wasn't even tempted to do that, of course, but it was hard to explain that to others, so she tried her best to stay away from peole, working at laboratories and supervising studies.   She only treats pacients when the number of pacients or the complex of the situation demand it.

Mental Trauma

She obsesively analyzes her memories and her brainless' records before and and after sleeping, as well as whenever she has the smallest doubt about her memory's state. By this point, not many worry that much about the misreality disorder, but she's one of the few who can't forget about it.   Besides, I have the feeling that she was scared about some of the effects the axe was having on her, especially her inability to age and feel pain. If you ask me, twenty something is not a bad age to be trapped at, but it seems that people thinks that it's a curse or something. I don't know if she's feeling better or worse about those.

Intellectual Characteristics

She was gifted with an excellent memory for anything that can be organized, and was lucky to grew up surrounded with people who taught her organizing skills.   Other than that, her intelligence is quite regular and her perception a little limited by preconceived ideas, but she usually seems bright because she takes advantage of her knowledge and doesn't give up until she finds a solution.
Altruistic Handyperson
Current Status
On her way to The company's premises to pay for her wish.
Current Residence
A healers' temple somewhere in The Surface.
Light brown, wavy hair. Usually tied on a bun.
On the shorter side
Surface' theist
Aligned Organization

It's quite simple, she says: she has always wanted to keep people safe and healthy. Spending time with other healers confirmed that that was her call. She's a theists, after all, so she is convinced that if she was born with a good memory and were she could learn the things she knows, if for her to put those to use. And the idea of using it to heal others, just feels right.   No, really, that's all there is. No ulteriour motives or complicated reasonings. She just had the chance to learn medicine so her purpose in life is to heal.   She wants the things anyone wants, of course: desserts, fun, probably love... and she gets those when she has the chance, but those things come and go.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She won't tell you about those. Clerics don't have achievments, they just "did what they could", even if that includes preventing a war, leading lots of people, and healing the sick on daily basis.  

Failures & Embarrassments

She and the other clerics still have regrets for not finding the cure for the Misreality Disorder. And of course she has made mistakes, even if she has tried her best, but Surface' theists have the habit of share responsibility when something goes wrong, so she had very few personal mistakes to be embarrassed about.  


Everyone has selfish desires, issues with other people and bad days in general. Figuring how to live through them and do your part on the plan despite any dark feelings those things put in your soul it's your business only. People don't need to hear about it. They have their one fights to face.
— Aye, just chatting, on the journey through the "forest".

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


Author's Notes

Where is the image for the header? I've had this image since the day I write the first character article for this world, why didn't I upload it there?
— jul 22, 2024
I wanted to include more, but I think it's more than enough for now.
— jul 23, 2024

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