BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The brainless

Whether they look like droids, a bee or nothing at all, the brainless are one of the most important AI entities in The Surface, not despite the fact that they aren't really intelligent, but because of it.   The resources invested in create more of the read-only devices that host them might one day determine the survival of the history of their world and, just as important, they give peace of mind to a lot of people on daily basis.   Each member of this team is born to remember all the facts of a person's life, and help to detect and diagnose any spurious element that might infiltrate their memories. Not all of them are smart enough to figure out if you are distracted, confused, forgetful or sick, but they will always provide the right version and help to find the point where your memory diverged from the facts.  

Command Structure

Even when the protocol in case of an outbreak is to be implemented by the experts in communications of the affected city or temple (and each of its neightbors), The Brainless are managed by The Healing Order , probably because they are one of the few networks of experts that has global reach in The Surface, which would allow a fast response if it's required.   To be precise, they control the brainless distribution and process every report of inconsistencies. The backup and analysis of data produced by the brainless, as well as the selection of what has to be saved permanently and the constant revision of history books, are responsibility of the General Truth Inspector AI System (aka The History Bot).



Many city and temples have their own team working in the mantainance of the hardware involved in the functioning of the element assigned to their area,


Whenever a child is born, the first present they get is a new brainless keeper for his reality. Even if the hardware is recycled or reused from the bot of a deceased person, the software is brand new: a blank slate with nothing but the basic instructions of what to track and birth records of their human. In very rare cases, the brainless can include some individual traits depending on the hardware they use (like a voice, appearance, gestures or even some fixed personality).  


Depending on the technology and material at hand, families or pupils keep the brainless of deceased people for a long time, their essence, at least. If there is any hardware not related to the memory that can be reused, they do so, but the memory storage units are usually kept for generations before being recycled.  


The brainless themselves are really a little bit of code and whatever records it has gathered so far, all safe forever (or until recycling) in a small but complex electronic device. The beutifully decorated boxes, fast drones, human resembling androids, and any other containers in which they are integrated are totally optional, and often a transient trend.


While the official guardian of the facts and history of The Surface is the General Truth Inspector System, the brainless do much more than report to it. They keep the memory of people in the present, as well as their sanity.   Imagine living every day panicking every time you remember something just slighly different of what evidence or other people say. Imagine never knowing if you can trust your mind, and now add the circumnstance that you can't either trust anyone else to be more sane than you are. Of course, this isn't a worry of the regular people of The Surface anymore, but that's precisely because The Brainless had confirmed that there aren't any cases of the confabulation malady in their cities.   And if one day, for other reasons, a person can trust their memory or have a dissagreement with others about what who said or did what, they know they can trust their assigned brainless to help them find the truth.  


The original Brainless were a few drones that would follow around a particular person for long time periods, recording their behaviour and interactions in an attempt to understand how the Misreality Disorder developed and spread. Many where destroyed in battles or because the person they were following thought them dangerous. The rest of them were incorporated to the Discordance Temple after the Disseverment.   Even before the forest had fully grown in the Discordance Valley , many cities were already adopting the idea, or looking for ways to adapt it to their own materials, with the purpose of keeping a record of the truth so they wouldn't be taken by surprise if there was an outbreak in the currently healthy zone.

The Discordance Brainless

We ignore if the original drones were replicated as they were, kept in optimal conditions to the date, or evolved in other structures like the ones in the Meritocratic Surface, but they continue to send periodic reports that are carefully evaluated before the clerics can read it. Is thanks to those reports that we know that the there is still a community of people living in the Discordance Valley, unaffected by the misreality disease.

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


Author's Notes

They are the only "protectors" organized enough I could see as a "unit" for this template... It was either that, a bunch of creatures acting as different individuals, or turn a perfectly normal team of healers into something I couldn't quite put together (and I already had plans for the healers)
— July 14, 2024

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Aug 12, 2024 02:39 by Marjorie Ariel

I really like this take on the prompt, and you're article makes me want to read more because memories are highly fickle as is, and I am curious to see how real this memory malady is (or is if just people starting to realize their brains are programmed to make them think they're in control, even when they're not.)

Aug 17, 2024 03:18

I'm glad to read that you like it, but I'm even more glad to read those theories about the disease. Here is what they know about the disease, but the full answer to "what it's happening" is part of a story I plan to (maybe) write someday.