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The Healing Order

The Surface' theists don't praise a specific deity, they just know for sure that there is one. They don't worship or follow a religious code, they simply do what they were created to do, which they can only identify but knowing what they are able and inspired to do.

Tenets of Faith

As every human being is called to protect the creation, for there must be a reason for its continued existence, the members of the healing order have answered the call to protect the humankind.   They study the body and the mind, and the effects of the environment on the people, with the only purpose of finding ways to keep them healthy and able to fulfill their own role in their world.


While every medic is considered a cleric by everybody else, among their kind the tittle of priest or cleric comes with years of experience and the aproval of their peers.   They will not wear fancy robes or special hats, nor do they show off a pin or a staff. Well... yes, they do have special tools that are usually hidden in their pockets of bags. Pieces of technology or ancient relics that come in handy in several occasions or carry some sort of emotional value. But who doesn't, right?... I don't, but that's different.   Either way, they don't have any distinctives, they just do their job with more expertice that other healers, and if you want to recognize them you need to pay attention to the little group of pupils following them around, and the way their peers look at them before giving a diagnose.   They usually become a little full of themselves, but they also take very seriously the job of guiding the less experienced healers, not only by giving advice and writing down their knowledge, but also by providing the younger medics with their quiet supervision, allowing them to think and experiment knowing that they will be stopped or corrected before they make any irreparable mistake.

"We exist, hence we were created", is what every Surface' theist knows.
And if our existence is marked by the wish or the skill to understand the human mind or body, it means we were created to work for human health.

Organization Vehicles
Notable Members

Organization Structure

Unlike many other religious orders, they don't depend on the city they are based, nor do they have their own societies in different temples.   The medics have a world wide council, formed by several experts from all over The Surface, which provides direction for all members of the order.   Each of the few isolated temples has a leader who reports to the order, and all the other medics and medical teams respond both to the local authorities and to a regional team which role is to coordinate small areas and keep the council informed.

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


Author's Notes

I was late for the first badge of promps, my keyboard had just broken and I was thinking about Aye's backstory because that would be the conflict (I think I had already thought about it being about a disease at that point: it would be lethal and people would be desperate, that was meant to be the conflict. Either way, I had nothing more and I was really trying to come up with something... and all I got was the idea of Aye explaining why she was a priestess but didn't work leading people, or praising or representing a deity
— July 14, 2024

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