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Recycling train

The idea of a train that allowed the fast collection and treatment of waste came from a student who lacked the means to make it a reality. He got the help of several orders interested in recycling. The only reason why the healing order took interest on the project was to make sure that it didn't cause more harm than good and they weren't supporting but supervising, but they were the ones to get other people involved to use the train as a way to process materials from one city with the technology of others.   Things that were being piled up or poorly managed in a place could be efficiently recycled in another, if only they could traslate it. Maybe a well thought train route was expected to help a little with that.   It ended up solving issued they didn't know they had, and uniting their world in unexpected ways.

Communication Tools & Systems

Most recyclers are connected to some communication network in each of the cities and/or buildings in its route, to announce any changes in the collection schedule and arrange the mantainance sessions.   In some cases that requires the use of different technologies and equipment, since there is no international standard for local communications. Yes, they considered to include them in the global communication system, but the more things you connect to it the harder it is to keep it both global and reliable.


The clasification of garbage is the core of the recycling system, and it works thanks to complex detectors of weight, smell and texture, which include sensors, chemicals and complicated testing process.   Other, more simple tools, are used to recognize any obstacle or damage in the rails and, in many cases, the need to readjust the route when a bin is about to reach its limit.

Hangars & docked vessels

There are some small maintenance facilities connected to the rails in cities and some of the temples, mostly for the small machines used for local daily recycling, though there is a couple that are designed for emergencies with the bigger trains.   The periodic checks of heavy collectors, difficult reparations and designing of new models happen in the Recycling Train Stations, which are several for each section and not always too busy, but with enough employees that small settlements have been created around them.
Owning Organization
Complement / Crew


The healers weren't always in charge of the processing of waste and toxic substances. They would get involved whenever the public health was affected, and when a city asked for their help, but it was usually the job of those who produce the garbage to see what they do with it.   Originally, the idea of recycling was about space and to prevent the exhaustion of resources, and health was only considered on it as a concern (will the process create contamination? is this or that material dangerous once it is recycled?, and so on), and the healers where only interested in the classification of residues. Those where the same reasons why they got involved in the designing of the Recycling trains, which they didn't support but suppervised.   Without the information the healers had about different places of the world, and their close relation with every city, the recycler could have been a small train used to separate eggshells from plastic in just a couple of cities.  
The third and later models of this vehicle include a brainless, because for some reason they consider that a record of who discarded what when is helpful to keep the history of their world.

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


Author's Notes

Can you believe this started as a silly comment about taking the trash in other article?
— July 16, 2024

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