BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


she was some sort of warrior/spy or something and that's why she started fighting threats, but it's relate to what she regrets, so she started working studying sad stories to detect potential clients instead (she's going to use the other skills in the story though.   This is one of our trackers and former Constable. Efficient, now, but more efficient before.   And local bard, though way less efficient on that. You always miss important information on purpose, Desirae. So I rather tell my own story, if you don't mind.   Ehem.   Hello, outsider. I'm Sigil, welcome to The company's premises.   I'm a very minor employee—as your guide here said, I'm not precisely a prodigy tracker—, and my life is not a big deal, but if you are curious about anything, feel free to ask.  

Personal History

My parents where both part of the Crown Guard, that's how they met and that's why they were allowed to marry: because they wouldn't commit treason for a partner who was as loyal as them... and being friends with the princess they guarded and obeyed probably helped too.   So, they marry, mom gets pregnant, the princess demands their firstborn's right so I stay at the palace instead of goint to a crown school, and she even shows up at my birth... and turned it into a international incident due to the hitman disguised as a nurse that tried to kill her.  
I was prepared to be a guard, of course, and because I seemed harmless and was naturally nossy, they made me a minder instead of a regular guard. Minders stay closer to their royal, pretending to be anything but a guard, and detect the traitors, spies and assasins that manage to get too close.  
Failures and embarrassments
So, skipping to the good part, my princess became my queen, and I passed as her heir's girlfriend, which also helped to keep the daydreamers and gold diggers away.   Then he fell in love with this shy, generous girl. Best manners ever, I'll give her that, but lacking on imagination. I was, ironically, mistaken to believe that every painter had a good imagination. But when I suspected her to be lying about her profesion, I discovered that other things didn't quite fit in her history.   Sadly, I was a close friend to Lazuli—that's the prince I minded for—, and we both had spent our lifes in the knowledge that we were unlikely to know romantic love, so we sometimes... how to say this? we didn't pretend to be lovers just to the strangers, but also for each other, and when I brought him a flower or a bug, or he wrote me a poem or cooked me dinner, the people who knew us would think that they were witnesing a lie becoming the truth.   And that's what came to everyone's mind when I came to my supervisor and to the queen to tell them that I needed resources to verify that supposed painter's info a little more than the protocol demanded and the good manners aproved. There were no resources or exceptions for "a jelous minder trying to create a problem".   I did my best, couldn't prove anything, and tried to look for other ways to be sure without telling him about my suspicions. I refused to ruin his love story if I was wrong.   His last words, after being bitten by a poisonous spider she passed as an innocent love offering? "Not you at your smartest, but I get it".  
Lazuli's death brought hell to our continent in general, and to my life in particular. Guards became soldiers, constables turned into assasins, and I went from a defender to... the very opposite. I had standards at first, or so I liked to think.   I might have been letting my rage out, trying to drown my pain in blood, but I believed that I was bringing justice to a bunch of murderers. What I did to that people is to ugly to say, that's true, but I was at least collected enough to spare the innocents around them and to leave no trace that could put my queen in a bad position. Nobody cared about traces and evidence, though. They knew what they had started.   And those things don't end so easily. There was always another battle, more people to secretly dispatch. Before I knew it, I couldn't recognize myself, or any of the people I've ever loved.   Then I got my second chance here, used it unwisely, and ended up accepting a job at the Company. Chasing intruders that others couldn't control. It was a good thing to do, but it felt like my previous job after it all went wrong, and the risk of failure was as bad as the mess that happened when I failed there. I wanted to do my job and all, but it was driving me mad, so they sent me to the second best place for my abilities: gossip and judging people!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

I don't need to be impossibly fast and reasonably strong anymore, but I still practice some fightinb skills and exercise daily; you'll think it doesn't matter because things go back to how they started every morning, but just being in good shape wouldn't help if I lose the habits.

Mental characteristics


I haven't really thought about that since I was... twelve? ten years old? I was a kid and I wondered why I couldn't be married and have kids like other women. By the age when women really start to think of those things, I was busy, and... I guess I'll know if there is something to know.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Uh... I... I guess I did stop a few murder attempts and I was a good student back then, but in the end...   All outsiders I suggest to invite turn into clients, too. And only four had failed their journey! But... That's hardly and achievement, don't you think?   Nah, the only thing I can be proud about is my repertoire. I'm close to have one song or poem for each world-origin of my coworkers, in a style that fit their culture. The first I learnt were their songs, of course, not mine. It took a while before I dared to compose for those who had no art related to their stories, and there are a few whose culture might never be represented in a verse, but yeah, I have lots in my collection.

Intellectual Characteristics

I'm a slow learner and a fast thinker, I guess. But when I have no solutions soon enough, I might never get one, and those who think little err too often. So, whatever you do, don't follow my steps on that.  

Known Languages

I only spoke french and two hispanic dialects but I understood all of them. Learning them was hellish and useless until the princess and one of the princes started telling me the local gossip of different countries in their original language.   Either way I know the Whispering better than any other. That's the royalty's mother tongue and only some of their guards learn it. But almost everyone I knew spoke it fluently and often so I learnt it in my first years. My parents' supervisor was mad at them, he couldn't believe they hadn't taught me on purpose.   I wonder how much of the other languages I would remember if I needed them now. Here everyone talks and hears their original language or something. No idea how that works, but I'll tell you: Whispers sound funny, the construction of the senteces is odd and sometimes a word seems to be another.   That's every language, the interpreter isn't perfect.
She'll make it sound complex, but Sigil is your average Egocentric Nostalgic.
Current Status
It's my free day! I was heading to the Library
Current Location
Date of Birth
May 12. And I like stories and musical instruments... Not the reason why you asked? Okay.
Circumstances of Birth
No clue. But everyone survived... except the fake nurse, but was technically unrelated.
I was born and raised in Buenavista, but I suspect that it isn't the same Buenavista where our boss came from; hard to be sure, when he never talks about it.
Current Residence
Oh, I live here at the main building. It's easier, and walking for the village on my free days adds a "full vacation" vibe to the whole thing, you know?
Aligned Organization
Religious belief
I don't know anymore.
Where I come from people think that this very old man with the ability to take away your pain or restore what you've lost is the last deity that cared for us, but it turned out that he was just one of the previous granters who died of old age, and he himself believed a greater power.


Personality characteristics

I guess I'm agreeable and approachable. I try at least. I need people to feel confortable around me if I want them to share their precious memories with me. I also have to keep their secrets and do a good job with the songs, I don't share them until the source of the story or art piece likes the performance.  


Well, people like my voice...   ... because it's awesome.   Thank you. I am a good listener too. I know how to read the story behind a story, and the deepest truths hidden in a small gesture.  


I improvise too often, you know? Not in the good way but "when I shouldn't", and I never learnt to dance. Clearly my worse flaw is that I can't be resentful and even cruel if you push my buttons. And that I only hesitate about things I shouldn't hesitate about. And...   We don't have all day, so let's not try to judge every single trait so harshly.  


Uh... are you talking about the annoying habit of interrogating people about their personal lives for no good reason, or about the addiction to soda and unhealthy food?   Oh, and I accumulate things. Not for the sake of accumulation, but because of those things remind me of something in particular.  


None.   She bites her nails, though. And when she answer at something with a monosillable, she actually sings it. She talks to the outsiders she is supervising or judging as if they were in the room with here. The...   But there is no time for those little things, so, let's move on.  
By the way, you needed me for something, right Desirae?   Yes. I need to ask you a favor. Or order you to do something, see it as you prefer, but you will do it. I know you hated that job, but I can't give the task to anyone else.

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin
Character Portrait image: Original image by u_bi7e01isdb


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