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Despite their bad reputation, most of them have their hands clean... well, at least since they arrived here. Just like the —much more respected— regular guards, they do their best to keep everyone safe during their missions, especially when they have to pursue someone out of the company's premises.



They work along with other guards to keep the everyone safe and detect potential risks, but they are allowed—and expected—to take quick decisions on the field, even to the point of using deadly force if circumstances require it, and will be held responsible for the results.   They are also sent after former clients that have become a threat for others and themselves after their expericience with the Company. Yup, that happens sometimes, nobody gets to deal with it because the Damage control department deal with that, really fast.   When one or more of the lost take something from this world to endanger theirs, or when they are creating situations where it might seem that the only way to stop them if to end their lives, a constable is sent after them; not to execute them, as many people think, but because these kind of guards are the most likely to find a better way.   The constables are people who knows how to react to all sort of impossible scenarios, so they are the best option when the target is expected to create a situation in which those a normal person would be to overwhe

Social Status

Many see them as a regular guard who is, somehow, more efficient or capable than others. Clients don't usually even notice any difference or assume that they are team leaders.   But many others despise them due to the occassional murder of a lost who they can't stop by other means. Yes, the victim is usually a murderer already, or about to become one, and has stolen or triggered the creation of a powerful and dangerous weapon to wield it against their enemies or problems. Sometimes a few guards are murdered (for good, if they are out of the premises) and the constable tries anything before using dealy force against that person. But that doesn't make the lost any less human.   They have friends and families, sometimes someone on the premises will miss them. More often than not, there is at least one employee who can relate to that person who was offered an opportunity and ended up being... "executed" they call it.  
Too many people think that the Constables are sent when the Damage control administrator thinks that it would be better to kill a threat, and even when that almost never happens, the idea of them being the Company's executioners has spread somehow, making them look as bringers of dead to the eyes of their peers.
It's never a good thing for a person to die, and it's certainly never good when a person has to kill. The whole point is try to avoid that.
  People will avoid, fear or hate them. Those who understand the greath burden their job is for a sane person usually see them with pity, and keep their distance nontheless, probably worried about how their job has tainted or broken them.

Alternative Names
Elite guard
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions


  • Responsibility
  • Fast Analytical thinking and problem solving
  • Full comprehension of the Last Time Company's symbols, practices and regulations
  • Leadership
  • Team work skills
  • Physically strong and/or agile.
  • Ability to recognize and deal with dangerous ghost and, specially, clients.
  • Payment & Reimbursement

    As other Company employees, the constables have all their needs covered by the company. They can use the communal installations of the main building and ask for any requirement that hasn't been considered yet.

  • Their weapon(s) or choice (whithin reason)
  • Shard's personality tester
  • First aid's kit
  • Communication device

  • Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


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