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Symbiosis drums

For ages this species (originally called rooted drums) has been though to be some form of symbiosis or grafts of sorts. And it is, in a way, but it's not the result of a regular carnivorous plant growing attached to a common drum making it look as if it was a perfectly normal, legless plant on a box-looking pot.   People would think it was scary, unsettling, because was the plant some sort of parasite? Of course, that wasn't the case, the carnivorous plants don't take their time to eat. If something edible gets close enough, it's gone. Just like that.   It was on the early years of the Company that they were finally studied. The first reports said that it was a symbiosis, and that both creatures were permanently attached. They also discovered the protective potencial of the flowers produced by the plant if it was fed with the right emotions, which lead to the design of the beat charms that we give outsiders to keep them reasonably safe.   Since we needed more plants to do that, biologists tried to figure out how to grow the hybrid creatures, but it wasn't as simple as planting one on the other or put them together and wait what happened (and they went through such danger and die so many times to do that!). Turns out that the symbiosis drums are such from the very beggining. Is not quite a symbiosis, but a single entity with two different personlities and... stomachs, so to speak. Luckily, you don't need to manipulate carnivorous plants, but shards.   The ghost is formed by a mixed core including shards that you would find in the core of a drum (one shard from the lost dreams of someone with musical talent forced to ignore it or use it for something they don't really want) and a the ones in a carnivorous plant (some shards of lives that were lost due to starvation). That core requires a lot of shards of any nature to create the body of the creature. To have better results, we grow them using protective shards.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Unless they are removed, this creatures will grow in any region populated by humans. Unlike ordinary Drums, they don't follow people around, probably because this species is unable of teleportation.   Currently, they are removed from public areas and the homes of normal people, to keep them in farms in the company's headquarters or the gardens of authorized keepers.

Average Intelligence

It's unclear if they are intelligent or if they simply react to basic instinct, but they always know what a person around them want (or believes to need).

Ghost Details

Altruistic. Diverse inclinations.
Physical Manifestation
A standard drum looks like a blunt, unfinished box. On it's own it doesn't do much, but when it is affected by human emotions it will produce sounds that represent those emotions. In symbiosis with a carnivorous plant, it makes it able to feed on emotions instead of flesh, and the result of them being exposed to people is no an audible beat but magical leaves in the plant (sometimes we call them "flowers", but they are leaves)
Before the company's time loop it was rare to find an exemplar of this ghost, and it was rarely analyzed as a single being, so there is no information about how they react to the passage of time.

As long as this creature finds emotions to feed on, it is quite strong, always healthy and pretty, who chase predators away with the appendages a carnivorous plant would use to eat.   When there is no food, those appendages devour the rest of the creature itself, and the organ that would produce music in a drum makes a sound that not everyone hear the same, and that kills the apendages. Depending on how soon the sound is produced, the creature will continue to show the behaviour of a sick drum, at the same time looking like a death plant.

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


Author's Notes

For some reason had the stub with the wrong template, a name and a vague idea (from another prompt, I think, or for a conversation) but I wasn't sure what would I use it so I didn't try to write about it, until one of the summer camp promts made me think of beats. And I knew they had to be something potentially carnivorous because I implied that at some point when I was writing The granter's omnipotence
— july 20,2024
The small foreshadowing inconsistency between diet in this article and The granter's omnipotence was and accident that I could easily fix but it has certain potential that I will probably explore.
— july 21,2024

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