The Voice of One

Prophets throughout the world practice in many different ways. Many people throughout the world know simple scrying magic. Tarot, bone and fire reading are all common throughout the world. Some clerics even dedicate their lives to learning as much prophetic magic as possible. There are also some who are born oracles. Usually, those plagued in life by other ailments find themselves blessed as oracles, those able to see the future at the expense of the present.   Oracles are commonly found within temples, taken in and sheltered in exchange for providing prophecies. Some of these oracles spend their lives on the outskirts of the world, unknown to most. While others have become famous for predicting events. However, one thing is common with all Oracles; at one point they receive a vision of the end of the world.  

Abandoned No Longer

  The methods that oracles use and how they describe the end of the world consistently vary. Multiple oracles in Iactus have prophesied the world being flooded. Dark clouds stretch horizon to horizon as they begin to rain, and never stop. Other oracles have seen the world burn, a flame taller than mountains sweeps through the world incinerating everything in its path. Others yet, see a slow change, the morals of man decaying as war spreads leaving nothing but a lone victor.   However, one element always remains the same, a voice that says “Abandoned No Longer”. Some hear it as a ruler, others as a child, but most as someone they are familiar with. Storykeepers have dubbed this The Voice of One, believed to be an omniscient being who brings about the end.   It is unknown if this prophecy is real or just a vision that plagues most oracles. It is best to assume it is true and prepare for the worst.
“I see flames. Torment of hundreds spreads. Ash. Ash falls for miles. Be wary, the sharp-minded.”   ~Oracle Ophalia’s vision of The Second Great Fire of Macarish, 3 years prior