Hullack Ruins - Level 1

The lowest level of the complex has a courtyard that is currently being reconstructed by 2 towering stone golems. Behind the courtyard is a set of large stable doors big enough to pull a wagon into. The doors are in disrepair but the frame is intact.

The first area is a receiving area and stables. A goblinoid group has set up shop in the structure and there is a small campfire in the stable where a couple of goblins stood guard but Loric dispatched them before the party arrived. In one of the stalls is the rotting body of Thalion Monshal, a sage who must have come to explore the ruins but ran afoul of the goblins.

From the stables is a singular door leading to a common area made up of kitchen hearths and dining tables. To the north of this room is a storage area and to the south is a workshop with a variety of tools (blacksmith, carpentry, tinsmith, leatherworking, wheelwright, etc...) and resources including a fully functioning forge. A bugbear with the goblinoid group was using the forge to make prybars and wedges in their attempt to open the door on the second level.

Off the workshop area there are sleeping quarters. Overall this level appears to be for service staff who took care of the everyday operations and maintained the physcial aspects of the building and grounds. In the main kitchen / dining area there is a staircase going up just as you come in from the stables.
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