Hullack Ruins - Level 2

The second level of the complex is guarded by a substantial metal door. A group of goblins, hobgoblins, and a couple of bugbears led by an orc named G'rth were unable to figure out the key to opening the door or pry it open by physical force. The door is embellished with an assortment of runes, glyphs, and decorative features. The central, circular, disc has constellation patterns with interconnecting lines between 1/2 inch sized 'ports'.

Using Thalion's notes and a crystal 'key' that Loric found on a goblin, the group was able to figure out that inserting the key into the ports of the 'Guardian' constellation depicted on the door in a certain order unlocked the door.

Inside to the right of the door is a panel with a 1/2 inch hole that appears acts as a mechanism to shut the door.

The first room of the level is a large chamber with a massive globe in the center. The space is lit from sconces and candlestands along the walls with little evidence of the decay or deterioration you'd expect to see after 500 years. The globe and the lights emanate magic. The globe appears to be an accurate representation of Toril and landmarks known to the group like the Moonshae Islands, the Sword Coast, and the Anauroch Desert are clearly visilbe. There are pinpoints of purple lights scattered on the surface of the globe. Outer rings seem to depict other heavenly bodies like the moon and asteroids of significacant size. One outer ring is movable looks like a target or locating device. It contains a mesh of gears and interlocking parts.

Before being able to fully explore this room, three giant centipedes attacked the group. They were quickly dispatched and later Cerion using 'Detect Magic' deduced that they were probably spawned from a 'Glyph of Warding' spell that was in place on or near the door.

Moments after slaying the centipedes, a clay golem appears and begins trying to clean up the mess from the melee. The construct seems benign and only serves the purpose of keeping the complex clean and tidy.

Two passageways lead out from this chamber. Almost immediately down the south exit are two statues set back in alcoves along the hallway. Clear inscriptions denote these individuals as Professor Elionara Starweave and Archmage Voltharian the Conduit. Just beyond the west exit are two more statues labeled Thadius Rockroot and Luminara Celestis.

In the western section are bunk rooms along with a laboratory area with tools, equipment, and various stockpiles of spell components. Most of the items and notes laying about imply the main research revolved around the rare purple crystals from both terrestrial and celestial sources. At the farthest reaches of lab are 4 large cylindrical metal containers standing over 8 feet tall. The have a window at their center and 2 of them glow with a purple hue. You also find notes that mention a rare mineral called Vanadium and assume much of the ore laying about contains the element.

In one of the laboratory workspaces you find a fully functional Alchemist's Furnace.

All the tools and equipment you see are of high quality but using 'Detect Magic' you find a handfull of unique magic items. These include Zariel's Calipars, Stellashard's Gem Cutting Tools, Forge Gloves, Zariel's Mortar and Pestle, and a pair of Spectrometer Goggles.

Beyond the lab, a hallway continues and ends in a locked door. The door once unlocked by Loric reveals a vast library containing sections on a variety of topics including:
  • Arcane Knowledge and Magic Use – Texts detailing the principles and mechanics of magic, from basic enchantments to complex sorcery.
  • Scientific Study of Celestial Movements – Books on astronomy and astrophysics with volumes on the movements of stars, planets, asteroids, meteorites, and other celestial bodies, including charts, diagrams, and mathematical treatises.
  • Mineral Ore Deposits and Harnessing Energy – Texts focusing on geology and mineralogy document the composition and properties of various minerals and ores. Other books research the harnessing of natural and magical energy from celestial events, including theories on sustainable energy and its applications.
  • Ancient Lore and Fiction – These tomes recount ancient myths, legends, and folklore related to celestial events and divine interventions. There are also a number of fictional works including novels, epic poems, and tales for entertainment.
  • Ethics, Philosophy, and General Knowledge – Works include philosophical treatises exploring the ethical implications of magical and scientific advancements, as well as broader philosophical inquiries. There are also encyclopedias, dictionaries, and reference materials covering a wide range of subjects, from natural sciences to history.
  • Geographical Studies - Comprehensive atlases and detailed maps of continents, countries, and regions. These include topographical, political, and thematic maps showcasing various aspects of geography. Firsthand accounts of explorers and adventurers who have traversed the world, documenting their journeys and discoveries.
  • Cultural Studies – Various anthropological and ethnographic volumes dedicated to the study of human societies, cultures, and their development over time. These texts cover social structures, rituals, traditions, and daily life. Books and scrolls on the world's languages, dialects, and writing systems. This includes ancient languages, modern tongues, and magical scripts. Illustrated works showcasing the art, architecture, and cultural artifacts of various civilizations. These include paintings, sculptures, temples, and palaces.
  • Regional Studies - Detailed studies of specific civilizations, kingdoms, and empires. These books cover history, politics, economics, cultural practices, traditions, mythology, folklore, and notable figures.

There is an entire section dedicated to the Ancient Netheril Empire. Specific topics include:
  • Chronicles of Netheril: A comprehensive series documenting the rise and fall of the Netheril Empire. These volumes cover significant events, notable figures, and the political structure of the empire.
  • The Fall of Netheril: Detailed accounts of the catastrophic events that led to the collapse of Netheril, including the destruction of the floating cities and the consequences of Karsus's Folly.
  • Descriptions and studies of legendary Netherese artifacts, such as the Mythallar, and their uses in sustaining the floating cities and enhancing magical abilities.
  • Texts detailing the daily lives, social hierarchies, and cultural practices of the Netherese people. These books provide a glimpse into the luxurious lives of the elite and the hardships of the common folk.
  • Analyses of the Netherese economy, trade networks, and the resources that fueled their immense wealth and power.
  • Treatises on the moral and ethical considerations of the extensive use of magic in Netheril. These works debate the responsibilities and dangers of wielding such immense power.
  • Collections of philosophical discussions held by Netherese scholars on topics such as the nature of the Weave, the role of magic in society, and the pursuit of immortality.
  • Mythological stories and legends from the Netheril Empire, including tales of heroic deeds, divine interventions, and mythical creatures.
  • Works of fiction and poetry that reflect the cultural richness of Netheril, providing entertainment and moral lessons.
At the far end of the library down a further hallway is a reading room with a large statue of Elenion the Wise. He holds a tome with the following inscription, "Knowledge must be tempered by wisdom to truly bring the unenlightened out from the shadows of their ignorance."

In the northwest area of the circular library, Cerion finds a secret door behind hinged bookcases. This leads to a small room with 3 chests, 2 of which are unlocked. Loric easily unlocks the third chest. The chests contain a variety of magic items and after a little investigation and a 'Detect Magic' spell the contents are revealed to be: Inks
  • Invisible Ink - This ink fades away as it is written and can only be revealed again with the heat from a Prestidigitation spell.
  • Everburning Ink - Writes out as normal ink but will glow when a command word is spoken.
  • 1x - Self-Writing Quill - A black quill with a white flourish that magically writes on its own whatever is dictated to it by the owner.
  • 2x - Everlasting Quill - These quills never run out of ink and the color of the ink can be changed with a command word.
  • 20x - Eternal Parchment - These 20 sheets resist aging, tearing, and damage from fire and water
  • 3x - Illusionary Parchment - Each sheet can hold up to 3 images. What image is shown is dependent upon a command word.
  • 2x - Binding Parchment - Each sheet on its own shows nothing legible or discernible but when the 2 sheets are combined they reveal the true message or image.
  • 30x - Mystic Vision - Each stick lasts for 1/2 hour and gives anyone within 20ft a +2 bonus on skill checks while they are researching (Arcana, History, Investigation, or Religion).
  • 12x - Healing Fragrance - Each stick lasts for 15 minutes and increases the number of hit points restored by healing spells and potions by 1d4 for all individuals within 20ft.
  • Incense Burner Box - Once an incense stick is inserted it can be light by saying a command word and once lit, it will not go out until stick is completely burnt.
  • Mage Armor (1st level)
  • Magic Missile (1st level)
  • Shield (1st level)
  • Detect Magic (1st level)
  • Burning Hands (1st level)
  • Invisibility (2nd level)
  • Mirror Image (2nd level)
  • Scorching Ray (2nd level)
  • Misty Step (2nd level)
  • Hold Person (2nd level)
Spellbook 1
  • This spellbook is bound in dark blue leather with silver runes that shimmer faintly in the light. It has a clasp in the shape of an eye, and the pages within are filled with neat, precise handwriting and intricate arcane diagrams. It contains the following spells:
  • Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
  • 1st-Level: Shield, Magic Missile, Detect Magic, Mage Armor
  • 2nd-Level: Misty Step, Scorching Ray, Invisibility, Mirror Image
  • 3rd-Level: Counterspell, Fireball
Spellbook 2
  • This spellbook is bound in black dragonhide with brass corner protectors and a clasp shaped like a dragon's claw. The pages are filled with a mix of precise and hastily scrawled notes, suggesting a wizard who balances meticulous study with rapid innovation.
  • Cantrips: Light, Acid Splash, Minor Illusion, Shocking Grasp
  • 1st-level: Alarm, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Sleep
  • 2nd-level: Hold Person, Knock, Misty Step, Web
  • 3rd-level: Dispel Magic, Fly

At the center of the library is a sunken inner room with a nondescript statue simply labeled "The Scholar" in an alcove on the north wall and a prominent floor sigil in the center of the room that enamates magic. Alanik investigating the floor sigil finds that it appears to act as a communicator of some type. The guess is that someone in a remote location or with a certain device can communicate with someone in the library. No magical auras of a device in the immediate vicinity is apparent but if this is how this works, it would be an incredible tool for someone in the 'field' to have someone back in the library research a particular topic or question for them.

  South of the lab, down a narrow corridor, there is another lab that appears to have a more natural or organic purpose. There are a number of cages in the room. The kind that hold small livestock like chickens and hogs. There is a central table that has many cuts marks and is stained with what you have to guess is blood. On the east wall of the room is a countertop with an assortment of knives, from larger ones you'd find in a butcher's shop to finer ones you'd expect a surgeon to use. Despite the blood stains and cutting implements, you don't see any sinister tools or torture devices. The room has a more scientific, dissection lab feel to it.   On a counter in this room, you find a green leather bound book entitled, "Arcanum of the Verdant Comet: A Study of Celestial Crystalline Influence" written by Thalorien Swiftgaze. A quick scan of the book reveals studies of the effects of meteoric crystals on local flora and fauna. It reinforces the stories you all have heard recently about plants and animals behaving and growing in strange ways. An interesting fold out chart outlines the following information on animals who have ingested crystals or plants in the proximity of shards. (d20 stats not in text - just 10% chance mentioned)   Effects on Plants (Roll d20)
  • 1-2 - Plants grow rapidly, doubling in size overnight.
  • 3-4 - Flowers bloom with radiant, unnatural colors.
  • 5-6 - Plants produce sweet, intoxicating fragrance.
  • 7-8 - Thorns and vines animate, lashing out at passersby.
  • 9-10 - Plants emit a soft, bioluminescent glow at night.
  • 11-12 - Fruit-bearing plants yield twice the harvest.
  • 13-14 - Plants become incredibly resilient to damage.
  • 15-16 - Some plants gain a limited sentience and mobility.
  • 17-18 - Plants secrete a toxic substance when touched.
  • 19-20 - A single plant mutates, gaining a magical property.
  Effects on Animals with less than 5 INT (Roll d20)
  • 1-2 - Creatures grow in size, becoming more formidable.
  • 3-4 - Animals develop glowing eyes and nocturnal prowess.
  • 5-6 - Creatures gain a temporary boost in speed.
  • 7-8 - Animals start emitting eerie, unsettling sounds.
  • 9-10 - Creatures develop a mild telepathic link with others.
  • 11-12 - Animals become aggressive, attacking without provocation.
  • 13-14 - Creatures gain the ability to phase through solid objects.
  • 15-16 - Animals are healed of all wounds and diseases.
  • 17-18 - Creatures temporarily gain the ability to fly.
  • 19-20 - An animal mutates, gaining a random elemental breath weapon.

Upon further exploration south off the main globe room, you find storerooms, a kitchen, and a dining room. As you approach the dining hall you are confronted by a giant scropion and 3 centipedes. They are fighting amongst themselves but as the scorpion finishes off the lesser insects, it turns its attention to you but with Dougal's shrink spell in place, you easily neutralize the threat. The critters, like before, all dissipate after being killed indicating they were summoned by a warding spell of some type.

Past the dining hall, there are 10 more bunk rooms and a long stairwell leading up.
Parent Location


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