Kingdom of Cormyr

Cormyr, known as the Forest Kingdom is a storied and prosperous kingdom characterized by its rolling hills, dense forests like the King's Forest and Hullack Forest, and fertile plains. Governed by the noble House Obarskyr, notably King Azoun V, Cormyr is renowned for its strong monarchy, wise rulers, and influential court, including the War Wizards. Key cities like Suzail, Marsember, and Arabel are hubs of trade, politics, and military strength, highlighted by the presence of the elite Purple Dragons. 

The kingdom's economy thrives on diverse natural resources, including agriculture, timber, minerals, and magical herbs, supporting a rich culture of artisans and merchants


The people of Cormyr are known for their loyalty to the crown and a strong sense of national pride. The society is a mix of nobility, common folk, merchants, and adventurers. Cormyr's culture is rich in tradition, with festivals, tales, and music playing a significant part in daily life.


Cormyr is a hereditary monarchy, known for its strong, central government led by the Obarskyr family. The kingdom is famous for its well-trained army and the Purple Dragons, the elite soldiers who serve as both the protectors of the realm and the crown's enforcers. The War Wizards, a group of powerful mages, play a crucial role in the kingdom's defense and political intrigue.

Industry & Trade

The economy of Cormyr is robust, driven by agriculture, trade, and skilled craftsmanship. Its central location makes it a hub for commerce, with goods flowing through its borders from across Faerûn.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Purple Dragons: The most famous military organization in Cormyr, known for their loyalty and discipline. They serve as the kingdom's primary defense force and are often involved in matters of national security.
  • The War Wizards: A powerful group of spellcasters who act as the kingdom's magical defense and intelligence force. They work closely with the Purple Dragons and are involved in safeguarding Cormyr from internal and external magical threats.
  • The Royal Court of Cormyr: Comprising nobles, advisors, and influential figures who counsel the monarch. The court is a hotbed of political intrigue and plays a crucial role in shaping the kingdom's policies.
  • The Cormyrean Coinlords: A collective of wealthy and influential merchants and traders who have considerable economic power within the kingdom. They often influence trade policies and have a significant say in economic matters.
  • The Harpers: While not exclusive to Cormyr, the Harpers have a strong presence in the kingdom. This secretive organization is dedicated to promoting good, preserving history, and maintaining a balance between civilization and the wild. They often operate behind the scenes to thwart evil and tyranny.
  • The Emerald Enclave: Another faction not exclusive to Cormyr but with a notable presence. The Emerald Enclave is devoted to maintaining the natural balance, protecting the wilderness from destruction and over-exploitation.
  • The Cult of the Dragon: An infamous organization primarily known for its attempts to bring about the rule of undead dragons over Faerûn. While they are more active in other regions, their plots and schemes can sometimes extend into Cormyr.
  • The Black Network (Zhentarim): While their primary base is not in Cormyr, the Zhentarim's influence sometimes reaches into the kingdom. This shadowy organization seeks to expand its power through any means, including espionage, smuggling, and manipulation.
  • Local Artisans and Crafters' Guilds: Various guilds represent the interests of artisans, craftsmen, and workers in different fields. These guilds play a vital role in the economy of Cormyr and often have considerable influence in local politics.
  • Religious Orders: Several religious factions and temples dedicated to the deities of the Faerûn pantheon are present in Cormyr. These groups vary in influence and objectives, depending on the deity they worship and their doctrine.


Cormyr has a storied history, filled with wars, political intrigue, and the rise and fall of powerful mages and nobles. Its past is marked by conflicts with neighboring regions, internal power struggles, and the ever-present threats from monstrous creatures dwelling in the nearby forests and mountains.

Points of interest

  • Suzail: The capital city of Cormyr, known for its beautiful architecture and royal palace. It is the political and cultural heart of the kingdom, home to the royal family and the center of government.
  • Marsember: A bustling port city, famous for its canals and naval base. Marsember is a city of intrigue and commerce, often frequented by traders, pirates, and spies.
  • Arabel: A major city known for its strong military presence and trade. It serves as a crucial defensive and commercial hub in the northern part of the kingdom.
  • Dhedluk: A small, rural village that epitomizes the pastoral charm of Cormyr’s countryside. It's known for its simple way of life and its proximity to the Hullack Forest.
  • The King’s Forest: A vast, royal forest that covers a significant portion of Cormyr. It’s filled with wildlife and ancient mysteries, serving as a classic setting for adventures involving exploration and encounters with creatures.
  • Hullack Forest: A wilder and more dangerous forest, rumored to be home to bandits and various creatures. It's a place of old magic and forgotten ruins, offering plenty of opportunities for adventure.
  • The Storm Horns: A rugged mountain range to the west of Cormyr, known for its treacherous terrain and the monsters that dwell within. It’s a challenging area for high-level adventures.
  • Tilverton: Once a major crossroads and trading town, Tilverton was destroyed in a magical catastrophe and is now known as the Tilverton Scar. It's a place of eerie desolation and dark magic.
  • Waymoot: A town known for its central location at the crossroads of major trade routes. It serves as a significant waypoint for travelers and merchants.
  • Voonlar: A town near the border of Cormyr, known for its religious significance and its temple to Tyr. It's a place of pilgrimage and religious festivals.
  • The Farsea Marshes: A treacherous swampy area on the western border of Cormyr, known for its dangerous creatures and the secrets hidden in its depths.
  • Fortress of the Purple Dragons: The stronghold of Cormyr’s elite military unit, the Purple Dragons. This fortress is a symbol of Cormyr’s military strength and strategic importance.


Cormyr is predominantly a land of rolling hills, dense forests (notably the King's Forest), and fertile plains. It's bordered by the Storm Horns to the west, the Sea of Fallen Stars to the east, and the Anauroch desert to the north. This strategic location makes it a crossroads for trade and travel.

Natural Resources

  • Forests: Cormyr is renowned for its vast and dense forests, such as the King's Forest and the Hullack Forest. These woodlands are sources of timber and various medicinal herbs. The forests also provide habitat for game, which is important for local hunting.
  • Agricultural Land: The fertile plains of Cormyr are ideal for agriculture. The kingdom produces a variety of crops, including grains (like wheat and barley), vegetables, and fruits. This agricultural abundance ensures food security for its inhabitants and provides goods for trade.
  • Minerals and Metals: Cormyr has several mines that extract valuable minerals and metals. This includes iron, silver, and possibly small quantities of gold. The availability of these metals is crucial for local smiths and artisans and contributes to trade with other regions.
  • Freshwater: The presence of rivers and lakes in Cormyr provides freshwater for drinking, irrigation, and fishing. These water sources are vital for sustaining both the population and the agriculture.
  • Livestock: The grassy plains and rolling hills of Cormyr are suitable for raising livestock. Sheep, cattle, and horses are among the most commonly raised animals, providing meat, dairy products, wool, and transportation.
  • Fisheries: The coastal areas and rivers of Cormyr offer rich fishing grounds. Fishing contributes to the local diet and economy, with a variety of freshwater and saltwater fish being caught.
  • Magical Resources: Being a land rich in magic, Cormyr has access to various magical herbs, plants, and possibly even magical creatures. These resources are used in potion-making, enchanting, and other arcane practices.
  • Game Animals: The forests and plains are home to various game animals, which are important for both sustenance and sport. Hunting these animals provides meat and furs.


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