Thunder Peaks

Thunder Peaks are a formidable mountain range that marks the eastern edge of the Kingdom of Cormyr. Rising sharply from the surrounding landscape, these towering peaks serve as a natural barrier between Cormyr and the neighboring regions, including the Dalelands to the east. Known for their rugged beauty, the Thunder Peaks are cloaked in mystery and danger, with their snow-capped summits piercing the sky and often shrouded in clouds that rumble with the promise of storms, hence their name.   The range is riddled with deep valleys, treacherous passes, and hidden caves that have been carved out by time and the elements. The slopes are covered in dense forests that give way to sparse vegetation and sheer cliffs as the altitude increases. Wildlife in the Thunder Peaks is as varied as it is abundant, with creatures both mundane and magical calling these mountains home.   Adventurers and travelers are drawn to the Thunder Peaks for various reasons, from seeking the ancient ruins and lost treasures rumored to lie hidden within its depths, to challenging the perilous terrain itself. However, the mountains are also known for their dangers, including fierce predators, bandits seeking refuge in its remote crags, and worse—legends tell of ancient evils that lurk in the darkest corners of the range.   Despite these perils, the Thunder Peaks are an integral part of Cormyr's landscape, offering protection from eastern threats and contributing to the kingdom's natural beauty and mystique. The people of Cormyr regard the range with a mix of respect and wariness, acknowledging its role as both a guardian and a challenge to those who dare to explore its secrets.
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