
Five men and women, mighty champions of Ubtao, were chosen by their god to defend the cities of Marakuru. They were said to live forever; their wisdom and faith shielded them from old age and sickness. However, they could still be murdered or lose their lives on the battlefield. In return for everlasting life, they were to protect Marakuru from all harm.   If a bara was killed, another was selected by Ubtao to replace them. That was the only time a mortal may enter the barado, in the great Temple of Ubtao that rests at the centre of Mezro. The bara test is deceptively simple, and centers around the Marakuran belief that each individual’s life can be represented as a maze. If the supplicant correctly completed the maze of his life, Ubtao then granted the new champion a fantastic power to be used in service to their city, and to Marakuru; if the supplicant failed, they were carried off into the afterlife. The men and women who became bara were sworn to secrecy about the nature of Ubtao’s test.   After Ubtao disappeared from Marakuru, no more bara were elevated to replace the ones that were lost. The last of the barae included:  

Tenets of Faith

The world is a labyrinth, and the true followers of Ubtao know the pattern that represents their life. When they die, they must recreate that maze, spell out their past for me. To be a champion of Ubtao, a bara of Marakuru, you must know more. You must complete the maze long before you die, look ahead to the pattern that will be your life in the years and decades to come.  
  • Ubtao
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    Religious, Other
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