
Omu was once the jewel in Marakuru's crown, capital of the kingdom and home of the royal family. Built over a network of caverns that housed rich mineral veins, the city garnered wealth in abundance. Omuan jewelry was coveted far and wide, and the city’s merchants grew fat on commerce. To enter Omu, it was said, was to enter the gates of paradise itself. Such wealth brought greed. Omu’s hunger for slaves made her rulers demand ever greater tribute from their neighbors. When their vassals couldn’t pay in flesh, they paid in blood. Omu’s feared legions marched across Marakuru.   The Omuans’ greed and hubris angered the god Ubtao, causing him to turn his back on Omu long before he abandoned the rest of Marakuru. Omu’s priests lost their spells, and the city fell to sickness and disease. Slave uprisings wracked Omu, and its nobles fled in droves. Maps showing Omu’s location were destroyed, and its coins were melted down and reminted. Fallen from grace, Omu became known as the Forbidden City.
Alternative Name(s)
The Forbidden City
Large city
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