Dead Eye Tribe

The Dead Eye are one of the many orcish tribes that dwell in Asturia. They are a simple but proud folk that take only what they need from the earth.    Like most other Odakota Tribes, the Dead Eye are a semi-nomadic people. During the dry season, they hunt the wild game of the Veldt and during the rains they gather to the northwest of the savanna.   Recent events have led the Dead Eye people to once again be refugees in their own lands. Gulgar Ghostblood, a strong and fierce warrior of the Dead Eye, has created a rift in the tribe. He now leads those who would see the Odakota take back their ancestral lands from the humans—and any others—who would keep it from them. Gulgar's violent revolution has sent the remainder of the Dead Eye scattering to the far corners of the Veldt, for those who refuse to join his cause are deemed to be weak and are slain.


The Dead Eye are Animists like the other tribes but the shaman of this tribe have a unique ritual that only they practice.   Shaman of the Dead Eye tribe sacrifice their left eye to make a pact with the spirits in order to see both the physical world and the spirit world. Other members of the tribe symbolically emulate their shaman by painting a white line over their left eye.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Economic System
Barter system
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Notable Members

Articles under Dead Eye Tribe