Duchy of Westlund

The western province of Asturia. It is ruled by Duke Roni Siva from his seat of power in Redwall Citadel.

Demography and Population

Humans are the dominant ethnic group in Westlund. While Asturians have lived in and around the Veldt for centuries, they are not the first. The orcish tribes collectively called the Odakota have lived on the plains for thousands of years, only to be pushed out by the expanding human kingdom. Throughout the centuries, the two peoples have fought many wars, but victory often went to the Asturians primarily due to their advanced technology and tactics. The last recorded conflict was the Cloud-Hammer Rebellion which occurred in 1100 AR.

Foreign Relations

The duchy of Westlund was established after the Crown Wars and was granted to the House Siva by the victorious Koreleth noble family. While the lands were rich in natural resources, many who followed in the line of Siva felt that they had been denied a grander prize and have held a smoldering resentment of the Monarchy for generations. Given freedom by the King to rule the province as the Sivas best see fit, they are still bound by fealty to the crown and thus must tolerate a Viceroy stationed in Redwall that acts as a representative of the King. Historically, the crown enforces its rule with a Legion of royal troops including mounted Dragoons who answer directly to the Viceroy.   The duchy also is subject to taxes imposed by the capital which it must pay annually. In exchange for these taxes, the crown has historically provided funding for infrastructure projects important to the kingdom such as the King’s Way and the Great Lift. It also supplies additional military support for the province, such as during the Cloud-Hammer Rebellion. However, since the close of the Shadow War, the royal military presence has dwindled significantly forcing the duke to look to other sources of military strength to defend his lands. Surprisingly, it was to mercenary groups that the duchy turned. Most notably was the formation of the Iron Wolves, a skilled and efficient company founded by the duke’s own daughter, Sephina Siva.   At the end of the Shadow War, the king gratefully awarded lands in the Tygus Valley to Herzog (Duke) Volkhardt Blackhammer and the peoples of Deepstone. This act effectively reduced the lands under control of the Sivas and infuriated many of the people of Westlund as it was seen as a betrayal by the King to many Asturians living in the region.

Trade & Transport

Westlund is rich in mineral wealth, from which it manufactures a significant portion of the kingdom’s arms and armor. The western province also is the home for many soldiers and mercenaries drawn by the gold offered by the mining companies that operate there.   The bulk of the iron and silver ores for which Westlund is famous for lie beneath Red Ridge, which is, uncoincidentally, where Redwall Citadel is built. The province’s primary exports are raw ores (particularly iron and silver) and forged metal implements. Foremost among the metalwork are weapons and armor, as well as the mercenaries who typically wield them. The lands just south of Redwall are also known for its vineyards and the fine wines that they produce. Several varieties that are only produced in Westlund are highly sought after by affluent nobles in the capital.   The completion of the Great Lift in 1201 AR is seen as a great accomplishment by the people of Westlund. It opened an efficient means of travel between the high mesa upon which Westlund resides and the lower, metal rich Crimson Lowland to the west. Trade agreements between the Asturians and a few of the Anasazi lizardfolk tribes that dwell there further drove expansion westward in an iron and silver rush that continues to this day.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Duchy of Westlund