Iron Wolves

The largest mercenary company in Asturia which is commanded by Sephina Siva, daughter of the Duke of Westlund. A proud, accomplished, and well-trained fighting force that takes its responsibility of defending Redwall Citadel and the province of Westlund very seriously. The company also acts as the defacto city guard of Redwall and they are beloved by the citizens there.


The entirety of the Iron Wolf forces amounts to just over 1,500 men.  
  • 3 Battalions (500 men each) led by a Major
  • 6 Companies (250 men each) led by a Captain
  • 30 Platoons (50 men each) led by a Lieutenant
  • 300 Squads (10 men each) led by a Sergeant


Founded by Sephina Siva in 1176 AR after she was repeatedly denied the use the Asturian army to “push the encroaching Orcs from their lands”. Initially, the Iron Wolves protected the roads around Redwall, keeping travellers safe from bandits and the like.   In 1188 AR, an Odakotan tribe called the River’s Fury could be found living in the canyon carved out by the Maendros River. The Duke’s daughter claimed that the tribe was planning on destroying the Great Lift which was being built.   When it became clear that the threat was real, she and the 100 men that she had gathered to her rode out and destroyed the warband as it was about to attack the Lift. The battle was fierce, but the Iron Wolves won the day and routed the Orcs. Even though they were victorious, Siva was not satisfied and over the course of the next two weeks she exterminated every member of the tribe she could find. She says the act was done to “send a message” to the other Odakota tribes to not oppose the people of Westlund.


Since the end of the Shadow War, an Iron Wolf patrol rarely ventures farther than 100 miles (2 days ride) from Redwall Citadel unless on a specific mission for the organization. However, it is not uncommon for the Duke to send a contingent of men to nearby cities or towns if requested.  
  • Beliefs
    • Service to Redwall, Westlund, and the Siva family secure prosperity for all.
    • Asturia holds its rightful dominion over the land, none shall oppose her.
    • Faith is the greatest weapon against evil—faith in the Maker, one’s compatriots, and one’s self.
  • Goals: Protect the people of Redwall and Westlund from threats to their peace and prosperity, even when the Crown will not.
  • Motto: For Redwall! For Westlund!
  • Ranks: Private, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Commander (Lady Commander)

For Redwall! For Westlund!

Founding Date
1176 AR
Military, Mercenary Group
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities