Redwall Citadel

Situated in the valley between the mountains of Red Ridge and Harrowcrown, Redwall Citadel is the capital of Asturia's western province of Westlund. Ruled over by Duke Roni Siva—patriarch of the Siva noble family—Redwall is what many consider to be the foremost economic power of the Kingdom. Mining proves to be the major contributing factor to the city’s success as the ore from dozens of mining operations from across the mesa flow through its gates before moving east to Rabanastra.   Surrounding lands contain approximately another 30,000 people, depending on the season. Notable nearby settlements include: Dalhurst Village, White Gulch, Ruben’s Ridge, and Oak Hill.


The majority of Redwall's citizenry is made up of humans with a notable dwarven population clustered within the Enlightenment District. The Trade District sees travellers and merchants of nearly every race and creed as they gather to exchange goods and services in the Redwall Bazaar.


The family of the Duke resides in the citadel at the top of the city within the Noble's District. From this location is the province run. Every spring and fall the Duke holds court in the Citadel. This draws many nobles from the surrounding countryside to participate in the discussions that see to topics such as taxation and trade.


The citadel is surrounded by a 30-foot high stone wall manned at all times by members of the Iron Wolves. Each of the three gates is also guarded by the mercenary company who inspect new travellers (and their goods) as they arrive in the city.


Redwall is built into the side of Red Ridge in three concentric tiers. Each of these tiers houses a district: the Trade District, the Enlightenment District, and the Noble's District. Between each district are walls, though not as large as the outer perimeter bulwark. These walls are shorter (around 20') and do not have walkways along the top. Instead they are dotted with gated guard towers built into the wall which citizens must pass through to reach the district on the other side. Typically the gates are always open but can be closed quickly in case of emergency.   The Trade District is on the the lowest tier with three large gates allowing access into the city. Within the Trade District is the Redwall Bazaar, which functions as the economic engine of the city.   The Enlightenment District is on the second tier where Illiard University, many temples of the Gazel Ministry, and other bureaucratic offices reside.   The highest tier of the city holds the Noble's District where the eponymous Redwall Citadel sits in addition to several other noble estates.


Nearly all the buildings within the city are constructed from stone. The stone—from which the city gets its name—is a red granite which is quarried from multiple sites around the citadel.


The Citadel was originally built on the side of Red Ridge but expanded eastward down the mountain's side until it reached The Veldt on the valley floor. Facing eastward, the city gets a spectacular view of the savannah with the mountain Harrowcrown visible in the distance.

Natural Resources

Redwall's water supply comes from a large aquifer that lies beneath the city. At one point in the city's past, a reservoir was carved from the stone allowing the water to collect and be fed into underground waterways that then connect to wells and other public works.
Large city
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