
Asturians are the largest collection of humans on Duros and their legacy goes back over a thousand years. The oldest preserved texts of the Khir-Adun infer that they originally came from across the sea from somewhere to the east but many find that unlikely due to the sheer danger that would be involved in such a journey. Regardless of their origins, the Asturians have become the most powerful nation on the continent.


Culture and cultural heritage

Asturian society is one of duty and respect. Everyone is expected to contribute to the family’s prosperity once they are capable. Children reach majority at the age of eighteen. At this point they are free to choose their own paths in life. Most stay and continue the family business or trade, while others offer their service to the crown or church. Many inspired Asturian youths endeavour to start their own businesses. With the memories of the Shadow War still fresh in the minds of the people, mercenary work and soldiering have become the occupation of choice.   Asturians live their lives to the fullest. They are very devoted to both their King and their faith. Asturians are willing to work very hard to advance their lot in life. Any occupation that betters oneself, the nation, or humanity is looked upon with approval. Even basic professions such as farming or fishing garner an appropriate level of respect.   To an Asturian, humanity is the Maker’s greatest accomplishment and they patiently await the day that they will once again reside with Him. This belief (some would call it borderline elitist at times) does not make them belligerent or disrespectful of other races, however it does make them slightly condescending.

Game Stats

Asturians have the following cultural traits.  

Asturian Cultural Traits

Languages. Your native cultural language is Asturian.

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