
A lost order of Marakuran priests who worshipped the naga Saja N'baza.   Stories say that they were once based out of the Temple City of Orolunga but had several other shrines scattered across Marakuru that were connected by a mystical network of portals called the Serpent's Way.  


The leader of each of the six shrines was known as a “Hand of the Oracle”, while the highest ranking member was called the “Voice of the Oracle”.

Divine Origins

The Kimbala was formed to drive out a dark force that dwelled in a hidden temple that lay beneath Orolunga. Over time, shrines to Saja N’baza were built in other Marakuran cities.   In the current day, the Kimbala have died out, and all the shrines have been destroyed or abandoned. The last active shrine was in Port Nyanzaru where the naga was attempting to rebuild her following. This was foiled when the shrine was destroyed by Tariq al-Tahir’s minion Verog, a powerful ogre that wore the guise of a well-dressed Nizamish man.   The first Voice of the Oracle was Ngozi, the first queen of Mbala. The last Voice was Olabisi.

Tenets of Faith

The purpose behind Saja N'baza's presence in Marakuru is two-fold. She and her kind are tasked with maintaining the Cycle of Souls, the eternal circle of life and death. Guardian naga are benevolent creatures that want only for the mortal creatures of the world to live their lives free of fear and suffering.   However, there is a threat to the Cycle for which they are ever vigilant. It comes in the form of corruption of the Far Realm—the Outside. Creatures from this alien place, including the Great Profanities, bleed into our reality from Outside and by their very being disrupt the Cycle.   To assist her in these duties, Saja N’baza founded the Kimbala, and their purpose mirrors her own.
The Kimbala are tasked with destroying or containing the Dreamless: aberrations of the Far Realm—including the undead that can rise as a result of their influence. Caution must be taken however, as slaying an Outsider can still cause harm to the Cycle if the creature is large or powerful enough.   This directive has been depicted in many of the Shrines throughout Marakuru, often depicting Ngozi Mbalawa’s battle against the Aldani and an alien creature they called Pachakutek.
To support their vigil, the Kimbala guide the people of Marakuru in living in harmony with the natural order. They also advise their leaders in matters of state, encouraging them to rule with kindness, compassion and wisdom. These edicts spring from the naga’s benevolence and understanding, and she desires that all who follow her to live in harmony with nature and with each other.   Saja N’baza believes that despite the failings of the Ch’gakare royal line, the people of Marakuru are greater when they are united under a wise and caring monarch. Her visions have shown her that a descendant of the last king of Omu still lives, but she knows not where.

All Are One in the Cycle

Religious, Cult
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