Tomb of Blood Overflowing

This ruin was originally the burial place for a now-forgotten Anasazi tribe member. However, at some point in the distant past, it was expanded upon to house a dark temple below waterfall of blood.   Discovered by Wynn, Sylman, Mongo, and Gundren, on their search for a then-missing Sildar Hallwinter. Unlocking a secret door at the rear of the tomb unlocked a spiralling stone staircase to the temple below.   The temple itself featured two notable areas: the first being a long colonnade of black spires that were engraved with a strange glowing symbol. The walls are decorated with a chipped and faded fresco of lizardmen being pulled into a black abyss by an unseen tentacled monster. The ends of the frescoes show a small portion of lizardfolk priests kneeling before a larger lizard man holding aloft a glowing stone or talisman that bears a striking resemblance to the glowing red symbols on the stone pillars.   The second area was a shrine that housed a huge stone statue of a lizardman wearing fine robes, his arms held out. Before the statue stood a small ornate pedestal on which rested a yellowish metal box of peculiarly asymmetrical form and covered with odd bas-reliefs.
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