Fremont Hill Settlement in Shattered Skies | World Anvil
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Fremont Hill

Myth says that the blood spilled here during the Interest War is what made the grasses red. Of course it's the iron in the soil, but it makes for a better story doesn't it?   -Overheard at the outpost cantina


The inhabitants of Fremont Hill all but entirely reside there to support the mission of SCION Signaling Inc., specifically using the nearby mountains for signaling research. A few more live here either as support for the researchers, tourism guides, or drifters.


Most of the residents at Fremont Hill are employees of SCION Signaling Inc., and thus managed by that org. Though the colony itself and its logistics are overseen directly by Harrison Armory's appointed Field Administrator.


There are few tactical defenses at Fremont Hill, being established long after the Interest War, and it being distinctly science-oriented, there has been little need to provide munitions to the outpost.


Being relatively near a Yangra Station, and a focus of high-value research, Fremont Hill enjoys ready access to raw material, foodstuffs, and adequate services and housing compared to most research outposts. Linking to the Omninet is an intermittent issue, due to Scion VII's geography.
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