Scion VII Geographic Location in Shattered Skies | World Anvil
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Scion VII

The scars of Interest still litter this whole world. No matter how many generations pass.   -Caelan Haeders


Mountains of tungsten and gallium litter the planet's surface. Between these, temperate valleys provide habitable zones, making Scion VII a Class 4 planet.


Once covered in alien foliage, these species were wiped out by invasive species brought by accident from Harrison core.

Ecosystem Cycles

During the cold season Scion VII’s temperatures can get below -40 F, and in the hot season up to 50 F.

Localized Phenomena

The conductance of the mountains on Scion VII make it a complex planet when it comes to signals. In certain areas, EMI is too great to allow for signal transfer. In other areas, the mountains themselves act as antennae.


Harrison Armory colonized the planet in 4620u, for the purposes of scientific research. A decade later, Scion VII and the entire Scion System became the front of the Interest War. It was ravaged by war, and the majority of the scientific research was lost.   After the Interest War, Scion VII was re-prioritized as a hub for scientific research.   It currently acts as the HQ for SCION Signaling Inc..
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