SCION Signaling Inc. Organization in Shattered Skies | World Anvil
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SCION Signaling Inc.

The Blink Gates were only the start. We seek to bend spacetime further. Not to make the fields in sync, but to bend them past one another.   - Andre Kapeniak


SSI is a subsidiary of Harrison Armory, organized as a focused science team. The members of SSI are mostly flat in hierarchy, answering to the science head.

Public Agenda

SSI focuses on research and development of deep space signaling technology, the tech which was the source of FTL Blink Gate technology.


The organization maintains a large, highly advanced fabricator for manufacturing industrial parts to a micron of accuracy.   A remote base was constructed on Scion I but was lost when the Void Rangers seized the planetoid.


SSI was originally an independent organization funded by a Union grant, but was acquired by Harrison Armory when they were granted control of the Scion System.

Testing Reality

Founding Date
Alternative Names
Parent Organization
Notable Members

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