Hoss City

Hoss City is the capital of Hoss province, named for the ruling family. It is a the wealthiest and largest city in Renvere, in large part due to its location both as a coastal trade city near major trade partners, allowing them to collect tariffs, but also due to the taxes it brings in from the many farmers, brewers, and vintners of Hoss province. Hoss County is the most populous province in Renvere by a large margin, due to its fertile plains and situation against the Green River. The Count of Hoss has the only trade contract in Renvere with the Saeli of Dalendra'thira. The city has a large human population, although there are small neighborhoods of dwarves from Dol Gorak as well as the Tenari Embassy. The countryside is mostly farmland which are nearly entirely owned by humans, although much of it is also worked by halfling farmhands.     The city also contains what locals call the Three Wonders of Hoss, which are three large structures that were thought to have been built by the Saeli long ago when Hoss was still a great kingdom of its own.  Each brings many travelers to the city to see them and are an immense source of pride for its inhabitants.    

Notable Inhabitants


Grand Harbor

The Grand Harbor is considered one of the most important places in the city. It is the heart of commerce that helps give the Hoss family their enormous wealth through tariffs. Ships from all over the world, Golgolthyr, Dol Gorak, the Empire and even Hraun find their way into the port to exchange goods and wares, many of which find their way to the Million Gold Bridge. The Hoss family keep a strong regulatory presence here to ensure that there is no corruption or contriband entering the city through the Grand Harbor.  

Arena of Champions

The Arena of Champions is a large, beautifully built, arena capable of sitting a few thousand audience.  Regular fights take place here, although generally only for sport.  It is considered one of the three wonders of Hoss City.  Occasionally, captured monsters will be brought in for pit fighters to square off against, and there can be occasional deaths, but it is quite rare.  Many commoners in the city develop favorite fighters, who often take on personalities for the combat.  Many southern lords will sponser champions to represent their noble families and win them glory in the arena.  The Hoss control the betting markets for this fights, and often include lottery like prizes for those in attendence.  Once every 10 years the city hosts the Trial of the Champions, an event where people from all over the world compete in a months long series of feats of strength and agility.  

Orchestral Theater

One of the three wonders of Hoss City, the Orchestral Theater is the home of culture and art in the south of Renvere.  Lovers of the arts travel around the world to enjoy at the Orchestral Theater, whether it be the music for which it gets its name, or a theaterical play.  The theater itself is a work of art, and of similar design to the other wonders.  It has been said to have been built by the high elves long ago before the war as a gift to the human settlers.    

Million Gold Bridge

The Million Gold Bridge, the third wonder of Hoss City, is a massive bridge that spans the Green River.  It holds rows of shops and houses that flank either side of the broad Market Street.  The bridge is said to have been commissioned long ago by the high elves for one million gold pieces by the Hoss family, when they were still kings of the region.  

Shady Shore

The Shady Shore is a small, run down harbor that mainly sees transport ships for common folks and smugglers.  The Hoss family allows little regulation here, in an attempt to cordon off illegal activity and concentrate it to the poorer parts of the city.  A gang of halflings and dwarves known as the Hoss City Kneecappers control most of the neighborhood.  

Three Tower Isle

Three Tower Isle, named for it's three towers, is a small island in the Green River where the Hoss family keeps prisoners, locked away in the towers.  They share a similar arcitecture with the bridge, arena, and theater.  

Tenari Embassy

The Tenari Embassy is a small enclave within the city that is the domain of the Tenari elves.  It is their headquarters in Renvere where they manage their trade relations, and is also a short enough sail to Torenvar if they are called upon to appear in the Royal Court.  

Knight Hill

Knight Hill is a small hill in the northwestern part of the city that houses the keep of the Knights of Hoss as well as the main garrison and armory for the city guard.


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