
Kettletoft is a small rural town in the Celestine Empire.  While it may not be the site of any great battle or home to any famous hero as of yet, it is known for it's vast assortment of flowers it produces.  Flowers produced here are among the most beautiful and hardy in the Empire, famed for their ability to live longer than others once harvested.  For this reason it seems some trade, especially with merchants traveling there on behalf of the wealthiest nobles of the Empire.     Notable Inhabitants   Jene Dark (former)   Robin Foster  (former)    

Faith's Rest Church

  Faith's Rest Church is now the cornerstone of Kettletoft and where the vast majority of the town congregates.  Almost everyone in town is an adherent to the Celestine faith, and the church has become equal part place of worship, town hall, and community center.  

Market Square & the Goose Pole

  Market Square is a gathering place mostly for locals to sell their produce, animal products, or other wares.  It is also home to the towns infamous Goose Pole.  The Goose Pole festival is an ancient tradition in the town, one that the church begrudgingly allows to happen each year, dispite their complete disdain for it.  They have scheduled an annual pilgrimage over the festival to Edeau in attempts to reduce the number of participants.  The reason for the festival has been lost to history, but it involves greasing up the tall pole in goose tallow and hanging a dead goose from the top.  The attendees of the festival bring in large amounts of alcohol, consume it, and the first person to reach the top of the pole and return with the head of the goose is crowned the goose king for the year.  It is a talk of many in the town for years, especially when a visitor from outside the town manages to claim the title.  The last time this happened was rumored to be a tall, broad man who scaled the pole with remarkable speed, and not only retrieved the entire goose, but prepared and cooked it to everyones delight.  That feast is still talked about to this day.    

Lost Pond Inn

  The Lost Pond Inn also contains the only tavern in town.  In the churchs attempts to civilize the once rowdy population of Kettletoft, they outlawed the consumption of non-sanctified alcohol within the town limits.  The inn was allowed to keep its tavern, however was not able to advertise it.  

Kettletoft Docks

  The Kettletoft docks are a small, but integral part of the town.  The docks are the source of most commerce, as most trade throughout the Empire is done by boat.  The tributary that runs up from Monfalcone isn't large enough for full sized ships, but is suitable for barges and riverboats.  

The Old Mine

  The Old Mine, as it is called by locals, is an abandoned mine in a vast cavern beneath the forest.  It was deemed to dangerous to continue mining due to the shale rock, especially because of the lackluster yields it had produced.


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