Jene Dark

Physical Description: At about 5’6” he has a fresh round face with seemingly always unkempt auburn hair, despite otherwise impeccable hygiene. He has brown eyes, that seem to always be looking beyond their target, like he is seeing through to some rapturous truth. Either around his neck or in his hand is a large amulet in the shape of the Sun, set with a bright red ruby. His clothes are plain: typically a billowing white shirt, cuffed with leather bracers. Over his shirt is a leather jerkin with bronze clasps. He often walks with a staff that is much too tall for him.     Family: The Darks are a deeply religious family whose roots were firmly planted in the town of Kettletoft going back as long as anyone cares to remember. His mother Netasha is a well respected merchant, dealing in fine furs, and has a network of contacts throughout the Celestine Empire. His father Garrolf is a tradesman whose intricately woven and beaded baskets are prized in certain circles. He has one sibling, a much younger sister who came as a blessing to the Darks just a short while before their son set out on his holy quest. Growing Up: Jene was a precocious child, and has preferred the company of pious adults over loud and raucous children for most of his life. By age 6 he was discussing theology with the Bishop of Kettletoft, and by age 10 was performing some of the lower rites of Celestine, much to the joy of his parents. Amongst the children in Kettletoft, there was only one who could stand Jene’s constant proselytizing: Hamish Willows.   Hamish’s family were all peat farmers, eking a living out of a bog, and the promise of Celestine’s light was very appealing to the younger boy. Jene and Hamish’s friendship was unequal, with Jene practicing sermons, the performing of rites, and generally leading the way in all that they did. Hamish had much more child-like instincts, and would sometimes ask Jene to go throw rocks at sheep, play stick and hoop, or explore some caves: all normal games in Kettletoft. Occasionally Jene relented, and on one such adventure, they were exploring a cave. One moment they were laughing and playing tag, the next Hamish appeared to have disappeared completely. Jene spent hours looking for him, calling his name until he went hoarse. Finally cold and exhausted he trudged home, where he fell weeping into his father’s arms. Many from Kettletoft went the next day to find the boy, but he was nowhere to be found. Shortly following the disappearance of his only friend, the Archangel Excoria came to him in a dream: charging him with the holy mission of bringing Celestine’s word and light to the dark corners of the world. Garrolf cautioned him to deal with his grief before attempting such a quest, but Netasha’s zeal at having an angel-touched son won out, and they used their resources to outfit him with new traveling clothes and equipment. Under the advice of the Bishop of Kettletoft, Jene set out with his Aunt Robin to the town of Gravesend, where he will work with Vicar Gorman Parrish to spread Celestine’s teachings to the people of Renvere.       Adventures (10): The Goblin Warrens, Wolves on the Mesa, Black Fox Hunt, Emissary of the Third Canon, Disrupt the Goblin Encampment, Siege of Lochwood, Mystery of the Stone Knight, Venture to the Goodgub Mine, Bear and the Demon's Fare, Return to the Monastery


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