Robin Foster

Physical Description: Robin is a stocky middle-aged woman with green eyes behind round, smiling cheeks. Her curly red hair is usually tied back in a neat knot beneath her hat. Despite her rotund figure, Robin has always found herself at home in the woods and country, preferring the company of birdsong and bees to bustling streets. She dresses modestly in the pale robes of a Celestine nun, usually accompanied by a beekeeper’s veil and white leather gloves, all of which are yellowed from age and use. Her gear consists of a crossbow and a large woven basket pack repurposed from an old skep beehive. Those who know her well know that she gives excellent hugs, although when standing near her it can be hard to tell if the sound is her humming or from the circling bees that always seem to be in her company.   Background: As the elder child of a struggling family, much of Robin’s childhood was spent helping her father set and check the trap lines that fed them, and in doing so learned the trade. It wasn’t until the Foster family found its feet in the fur trade that she was free to take agency over her own life. Robin left home at seventeen to study under the nuns at Venatos Monastery. Although not as pious as some, she found the lifestyle agreeable and enjoys serving the Archangel’s Chorus. After some years away in study, she returned home to be a groundskeeper at the Kettletoft Priory, where she passes the time tending to the gardens and beehives, making candles and other wax products, scroll keeping and the like. Her trapping experience occasionally comes to good use removing nuisance skunks preying on the hives.   Recently, her sister Netasha came to her to ask a favor: Her eldest son, Jene, is leaving home on a noble quest in the name of Celestine. She asked Robin to accompany him as a mentor and guide, and to hopefully keep him out of trouble. Robin dutifully stepped out of the comfort of her peaceful life for a new adventure. While quietly excited by the opportunity to forge stories with her nephew, Robin hopes her bees in Kettletoft are faring well in her absence.     Adventures (10): The Goblin Warrens, Wolves on the Mesa, Black Fox Hunt, Emissary of the Third Canon, Disrupt the Goblin Encampment, Siege of Lochwood, Mystery of the Stone Knight, Venture to the Goodgub Mine, Bear and the Demon's Fare, Return to the Monastery


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