Knights Sapphire

The Knights Sapphire are a specialized knighthood who train to deal with magic users. They are sometimes called anti-magic Knights. They are headquartered in Torenvar at the Antiquis Arcanum. Moreso than other knighthoods, they are sent abroad to help with magical malefactors in other nations, usually as an act of good will. The Knights Sapphire, being one of the more specialized orders, like the Royal Knights of Renvere, are often chosen from the ranks of house knights or the Knights of the Realm. Generally, junior knights or squires spend much of their time at the Antiquis Arcanum, both to study and act as security. The senior knights are deployed, often on their own, to deal with higher value targets, general rogue mages or arcane anomolies.    

Known Members

Military, Knightly Order


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