
Lysandros is the High Arcanist, and eldest of the Saeli in Dalendra'thira.  He leads the High Council of the city, consisting of the foremost technomancer, arcanist, ranger, and healer.  Lysandros has spent countless hours at work recording all that he remembers in writing, to account for what was lost during the War of Ashes.  He is quite, and mysterious, but seems to have the respect of the rest of the counil, and his people.  He wears a set of enchanted demon horns that ensorcelled to hover above his head.  It is said that there were from a demon commander that he slew during a fateful encounter during the war.  He took the mantle of High Arcanist towards the end of the war, and has more or less lead the Saeli ever since.     During the War of Ashes Lysandros was assigned to a troop of magi and rangers assigned to help fend of demons while the elves of Dalendra'thira could be evacuated to the Palace of the Magi.  Rumors are the ensuring battle was especially bloody, and Lysandros was the only one of nearly one hundred saeli in the troop to survive.  It is said that they managed to slay over one thousand demons before falling, and that when Lysandros ran out of magic, he killed a demon commander with his bare hands by ripping its horns from its skull.     After several missions to recovered items from the lost part of the city, Lysandros pushed the council to end them, given that the saeli were now so few, and every elf lost trying to recover an object was too high a cost.  Both Tiliseth and the former High Healer sided with Lysandros, although the latter took some convincing.  Cyrellion was said to be outraged at this decision, causing a rift in the council for a time.


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