
Tiliseth is the High Technomancer on the ruling council in Dalendra'thira.  In her position she is responsible for overseeing the construction of contructs, magical artifacts, and the aetherite stores.  She is quite shrewd, and usually keeps her opinion to herself.  She is the largest opponent on the council for using the golems for combat, fearing that the magic could be corrupted and turned against them.  This is one of the few things that she and Cyrellion are known to agree on.  She is the mother of the Saeli Emissary, Rylora.     Tiliseth was apprenticed to the previous High Technomancer during the outset of the war, and helped him to convert golems to have stronger combat capabilities.   This project did not last long, and resulted in the death of the High Technomancer, and the cancelation of the project.  Only a few of these war golems survived the war and have since been retired.


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