Mathildia Brassbucket

Constable Mathildia Brassbucket is the current head of the constabulary of Hobbleton in Longburrow.  She is a paladin of Ceres, spirit of the harvest, a local diety to the farmers of Hobbleton.      Constable Brassbucket hails from the Brassbucket family, a wealthy farming family and one of the original settlers in Hobbleton. Mathildia is thought of as being odd by many of her peers, as she is one of the more trained combatants, and generally the worship of Ceres strictly involves the sacrifice of some of the crops to the great spirit. She took over the constabulary from an older halfling and since has leveraged the small, mostly volunteer force, into making improvements around Hobbleton, as there is rarely much crime outside the casino. The constabulary has limited jurasdiction as Bungo Goodgub lobbied the mayor for the ability to deal with conflicts internally, although he rarely does.


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