Bungo Goodgub

Bungo Goodgub is a halfling entrepreneur and owner of the Goodgub Trading Company . He is considered to be one of the wealthiest people in Renvere. Bungo is a widower with seven adult children, most whom work in the company.     Bungo found success in his youth a smuggler, using his small stature to smuggle contraband in and out of Malaster, sometimes working with Monvessier Telamon.  After nearly a decade of this work, he built up a large amount of wealth, and used it to found the Goodgub Trading Company, which focused on moving goods from Longburrow and Badenburrow throughout Renvere, as halfling goods rarely left these communities.  Some of these goods gained popularity, especially when it came to foodstuffs, and soon Bungo had a monopoly on these goods.     With this even greater wealth he established headquarters in Longburrow and expanded trade to Hraun and parts of the Celestine Empire.  He also expanded the business, building several taverns in some smaller towns, such as Elemaya, Badenburrow, Stoutshire, a logging company in the Renhunt Forest, as well as several small mining ventures.     Bungo is one of the oldest living halflings, and his age has stirred many rumors about what is to happen when he passes, as many of his 7 children are hoping to be named successor, although Bungo has made it clear that he will not reveal anything on this matter until his will is executed after his passing.
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