
Longburrow is a sizeable town in northern Renvere under the fealty of House Malaster. It is a center of trade for the inland area, especially among the countless villages sprouting up in the foothills of the Stonehorn Mountains and the Renhunt Forest. Longburrow was once known by another name, back when it was ruled by the Fisher Kings. However in the time since then the town went dormant, and the halflings that moved in established Longburrow. When the Countess Silgrid Derringer emerged from decades of solitude she took back governance of the town, brining in new commerce, but allowing the halflings a large degree of autonomy.

Notable Inhabitants



  Newport is the human neighborhood of Longburrow. When the Countess started to govern again, she called in many trade agreements that had been allowed to languish, and soon Longburrow became a center of trade in Malaster. Its central location and access to Akanai Lake and the Akanai River means easy access to shipping goods in from Malaster's port. While trade is constantly busling in Longburrow, you won't find any rare goods in this market. Food is exported from the Hobbletown plantations and other essential goods are imported and distributed throughout the towns on the Malaster frontier. Several of the merchants who remained in Longburrow through its hard time prospered greatly, building large manors along the lakeside. Along the shore and up the hill towards the Countess fort and manor more human houses were built, in addition to the Magic Pike, a large tavern. To the north is a small crofters village that is still not fully completed. The guardhouse is the base of operations for the human guards who police the storehouses of newport and man the towers and gatehouses. The Pikesfort is where the Countess and her retinue holed up for several decades, following the death of her parents and sister.    


  Hobbleton is the halfling side of Longburrow. For a time it made up nearly all of the town before the Countess emerged. It is governed by an elected mayor, currently Mayor Hobblebrook, whose grandparents were among the first halflng settlers there. They also have their own constabulary, which does the little work needed to keep the peace in the quaint farming town. Quaint, all except for the Goodgub Casino, which houses the operations of the Goodgub Trading Company, and its proprieter, Bungo Goodgub. The casino is very successful and many a sailor take the ferry down the river from Malaster to spend their hard earned coin. Smallmarket is a market built for halflings. While most of their surplus food stuffs are shipped out of Newport, the Smallmarket has a variety of things only a halfling would need. The majority of the land in Hobbleton is devoted to the growth of food, wether it be in the garden of one of the neighborhoods denizens, or on one of the three large plantations. The three plantations are run by three old halfling families, who are among the most prominent in town. Many in town pay tribute to the spirit of the harvest, Ceres, a local faith. It is said that Ceres takes the form of the sun, giving light and life to the crops, and at night, the light leaves the sun to form Ceres physical form, a deer, so that they may wander the mortal realm and pass on blessings to the crops of Hobbleton.
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