Report: A Man on the Inside

General Summary

A note find its way into the possession of everyone:     "If you are reading this it is because I believe you should know what occurred at the Lochwood Manor. Myself, Russel, Patrick, Vinny and Pale Moon reached an overlook on the south side of Lochwood just after nightfall and confirmed that the goblin camps that previously plagued the island were indeed greatly diminished. It may be worth noting that the Boar herding tribe in the east seemed untouched. Vinny gave us passable bandit disguises and we headed over the southwestern bridge into the town and passed through to the north west. It is also worth noting that the structures here still stank of oil. We crossed the river and climbed up a cliff face into a moderately defended encampment at the manor.     Tactically it is a modest fortification. Thick timber walls surround nearly all of the area with two south and west facing entrances that were guarded by a pair of guards each. The north side of the compound had no such wall against the cliff face and was an obvious blindspot that may be shored up in the future. Three buildings stand on the property, a large manor, a smaller structure, and a barn. Two carts were on the property as well, one clearly a prison cart, as well as 5 additional bandits. The small building was investigated and contained at least a dozen sleeping bandits.     We entered the main building via the northern facing windows. A sleeping bandit in the main room was dispatched for increased security, and the only door to the building was secured. Patrick located a room on the main floor with 5 additional bandits in various stages of sleep and Vinny and Russel located an underground storehouse below the structure. Upon reaching the basement myself a false wall was found, with two nothics behind it. Vinny lost his composure and screamed and Russel enacted an anti-sound barrier throughout most of the basement. After Pales showed up to assist, the nothics were disposed of and a prisoner was found.     I know that some of you that may be reading this have rigid convictions regarding the cosmic alignment of different beings in this world and will read this with an unshakeable bias, but I implore you to do what you can to approach this with the most open of minds. We came across an emaciated semi-conscious man chained to a wall with significant signs of abuse, but also one who happened to be of minor demonic heritage. A tiefling, as they are called, is not something that I have personally come across in my many years, and if any of you have I would be interested in knowing more about them. Once freed he appeared no less of a man than any other that I’ve come across and was confused, thankful and desperate for assistance.     Unfortunately, Creegan, the powerful bandit enforcer that was first spotted during the raid on Blackwater, came to investigate the screams that Vinny made earlier and caught us with the prisoner.     Fortunately, he ended up attacking us in a rage within the zone of silence and was unable to call for help. Vinny summoned an air elemental, and Russel held him still for a moment with an enchantment, Pale Moon unloaded magic and Patrick and showed back up from upstairs to neutralize his defences. With luck on our side, we eliminated one of their leaders.     Shortly afterwards Patrick convinced some guards to go back to sleep, I masqueraded as Creengan and ran into Wren, the other leader at the encampment. She appears to be the true mastermind of the operation, and I kept her out of the basement while the others loaded up on explosives that were recovered in the basement. I eventually met up with Pales, Russel, and Patrick outside with the prisoner who revealed himself to be called Talamir. We fled the compound without Vinny who escaped a short time later through a long underground shaft for reasons unknown.     Patrick met up with Aldric and explained the prisoner situation, and he showed back up and demanded to take Talamir into his custody. I have never seen him as serious and after he punched Vinny in the face with no warning, I fear for the safety of Talamir.     Hopefully we can use the information gathered to efficiently rid the region of these bandits.     If any of you have any additional questions, seek me out when I am in town.     -Ryth"     Penned by Ryth Venali   Adventuring Party:Ryth Venali, Vinny Maze, Patrick Smith, Pale Moon, Russel   Adventure Date: 17DEC21
Report Date
17 Dec 2021
Primary Location


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