Pale Moon

Pale Moon, or Pales to some, doesn’t appear to enjoy crowded places, but when they find themselves in such a place they keep mostly to themselves and say few words. It is difficult to characterize Pale Moon as they bury themselves in various garments and display an unsettling wooden mask in place of their face without exception. That being said, they appear to be an exceedingly pale-skinned male Runidiri with youthful, yet haunted yellow eyes, possibly from the Darkspore Clan. Pale Moon stands about 5’3” and wears a mixture of the typical grounded fashion of the Runidiri people consisting of mostly green and brown fabrics and brown and black leathers with tattered purple cloth integrated into their outfit as a sash and cloak. On top of their masked head is a strange hat akin to something a witch or wizard of academia might wear.   While Pales does not frequently speak outside of necessity, they do occasionally speak with short statements and replies, often struggling to communicate in the most basic of social interactions. Occasionally, however, a topic of the arcane, history, science or some other academic facet brings out a much more confident person, almost as if they are recalling old fond memories. When they speak freely it is frequently in Sylvan, which appears to be their native tongue. Most of the time Pale Moon can be found reading or watching people from afar.     Adventures (11): An Autumn's Harvest, The Eagle's Diplomacy, Man on the Inside, Guardians of Gravesend, Malice in Malaster, Staff of the Boar Spirit, Venture to the Goodgub Mines, Bear and the Demon's Fare, Secrets of the New Arcana, Scaling the Stonespire, Tower of Water.


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