Report: Guardians of Gravesend

General Summary

Sir Elron, Monique, Pales, Vinny and I (Basilio) went to defend on of the gates of Gravesend. Boars and Goblins came at us in waves as we defended the gate. They sent a goblin shaman, one who was capable of summoning magic clouds of smoke. Monique and Sir Elron held the front while Pales, Vinny and I peppered them from behind the walls. The Goblins are apparently very good at climbing these walls and they started to pour in. After a few intense moments of battle we killed the invaders before seeing a weak flare from Karius in the towncenter. Thinking quickly Pales sent their familiar Bonemeal to see what was happening and alerted us that Kairus was collapsed atop the guardhouse with a mysterious figure standing over him, and the gates had been opened and goblins were streaming in.     We moved to the north gate and again Monique and Sir Elron went to the front, defending us from the onslaught of goblins and boars. Summoning their wisps of incredible power and with Sir Elron’s holy presence they were able to hold them off long enough for the goblins to murder themselves upon the fists of wisps. Pale Moon managed to blast the mysterious figure with cold magic, revealing him to be none other than Vicar Parrish. Meanwhile Vinny had snuck around to find Karius and see how they were doing. Karius had holed himself up in the garrison and once we knew where he was Vinny began to aid in the halt of death. Just as we finished off the goblins and boars from the Tusker tribe, massive bats carrying red goblin riders descended on the city with their leader, the Goblin Shaman Riki-Visha. Riki-Visha was extremely formidable, slinging red lightning at us over and over. Lord Harys seeing the red goblins descend came out to fight from the manor in the center of the city engaging in his own combat upon the hit leading to the mansion. As we fought off the new red foes we were all going down, beaten down from the fighting all day, Monique and Sir Elron kept us going. Getting Riki Visha into a spot they must have been worried about he himself transformed into a bat to evade combat after being stuck to the ground by Pales webbing and my silence bubbles. I don’t quite remember what happened after that on the account of me being temporarily downed, but Sir Elron came to my rescue. I was informed that while I was down, Lord Harys was struck down by a stray poisoned arrow, but Elron and Vinny were able to stabalize him quickly.     Eventually Riki and his ilk left the town and we couldn’t chase them down. We focused on tending to the lord and then escorting the vicar and interrogating him (for some reason, I haven’t been around truthfully so I’m not sure why, but sometimes you need someone who can pack some heat so I figured all I had to do was look fearsome). Listening in it seems like Sir Elron and Pales might think he has some memory issues, poor guy. Also, where did Vinny get off too?? Also apparently Monique is a pacifist, just her wisps arent… fair enough I suppose. Learned that because the Lord offered us a couple small magical tokens of appreciation and she denied getting the hammer. I’m listening in from the door right and Pales and Elron start talking about some cursed coin that Vinny might have.     We talked about potentially looking for the coin but decided to go find Vinny first. We split up Monique and Sir Elron to find Vinny and Pales and I went to the guard tower to look for the coin. While they did that I went up top to get a look off the wall and I saw the bats heading south southwest a bit.     -Scribed by Basilio Rogelio García Morales   Adventuring Patry: Basilio Rogelio Garcia Morales, Vincent Maze, Pale Moon, Monique, Sir Elron Cartwright   Date: 21JAN22
Report Date
21 Jan 2022
Primary Location


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