
Gravesend is a town in north eastern Renvere in the province of Malaster. It is the largest settlement in the mountain region of the province. It is a stop off point for the seldom used pass into the Celestine Empire as well as a space for miners at the Goodgub Mine to find respite. The town is split into two sections, Firstwall and the Town Proper. The permanant, long time residents of Gravesend are weary of outsiders which lead to the contruction of Firstwall, an outer wooden pallisade where newcomers would be able to settle and establish businesses. This includes the dwarven run Oxhide Inn & Tavern and the Celestine Chapel, which was contructed out of an old masoleum once Celestine missionaries started to arrive. Merchants interesting in selling their wares at Carter's Square must first meet with Ingrid Doubledyne, who handles Lord Harys and Lady Illene's counting house. There are a variety of Townsfolk of Gravesend .     During the The War of Ashes the town of Gravesend was nearly destroyed, only being rebuilt recently when Lord and Lady Gravesend brought refugees there from their homelands that was destroyed during the war. Once the town was rebuilt Renvere natives from the region started to slowly resettle from there. Not long after as Gravesend began to take root in the area Baron Malaster bent the knee to the new King Tohren, and Lord Harys and Lady Illene agreed to formally become part of the new kingdom under Baron Malaster. Due to Gravesend lack of commerce or natural resources, as well as its remote location, Lord Harys and Lady Illene are given great latitude in how they rule, rarely facing any interference from the Malasters.     The population of Gravesend, much like most of Renvere, is by a large majority Humans. Recently, with the construction of the Goodgub Mine , Dwarves have become much more common, with the occasional Halflings or even Varl finding work there. Elves are an uncommon sight in Gravesend, however a band of Runidiri or a Tenari merchant passing through wouldn't raise too many eyebrows. Travelers tend to be Celestine missionaries passing the town on their way elsewhere into Renvere or merchants coming to trade or buy, particularly the Fire Cheese that is a unique spicy cheese made from the milk of the goats herded on the Enchanted Mesa. A more common appearance recently have been the Hell Howlers, a large group of demon hunters sanctioned by the Celestine Church and Baron Malaster to hunt down remaining demons that still prowl the remote areas of the world.    

Travel Times (on foot)

  Enchanted Mesa Camp (road): 3 Hours   Blackwater Ruins, Acorn Hill Farm Ruins (trails): 6 Hours   Goodgub Mine, Ruins of Lochwood (road): 8 Hours   Stonespire Swamp, Ruins of Bastion (partial trails): 10 Hours   Deadstone Tower (partial trails): 12 Hours   Han Harbor: (highway): 2 Days   Longburrow, Edeau (highway): 3 Days   Malaster, Kettletoft, Renshire (highway): 5 Days   Torenvar, Imperial City (highway): 7 Days   Hoss City, Uban (highway): 10 Days   Dun Durak (highway): 30 Days   *Times reduced by 50% while party is mounted


  • Gravesend Regional
  • Town of Gravesend
Related Reports (Primary)


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