Report: Scaling the Stonespire

General Summary

To prepare for the assault, Pales, Ryth, Patrick, and myself, Russell, were tasked with investigating suspicious Goblin activity at Stonespire. Ryth and several others had previously partially investigated the area, and been partially eaten by a Crocodile know as Old Grimbsy. Unfortunately Daisy was unable to join us inside the spire, but she had a great day outside eating the local flora.     Upon arriving, Ryth mentioned that there was some sort of altar “probably” guarded by a guardian. We debated for about 15 minutes how exactly we were going to look at the altar, then just… walked up to it. Some sort of creature made of light appeared, and told us to “run away or meet our doom” or some such noise. We promptly ignored this, and destroyed it instead. It fought with arrows of light and a sword, though the arrows hurt a LOT more if they missed you. Talk about a confusing fight. After we dispatched the light creature, Ryth found a second piece of a sword he already had the hilt of, as well as some armor. Hopefully he finds the rest - it still doesn’t look very combat worthy. As it died the light creature made another ominous speech about “consequences”     We then looked to enter the tower proper. The entrance had an arcane lock, and a bat with over ONE HUNDRED teeth. Hope it knew a good dentist. There was some sort of ominous saying about heeding the “call of Hireek” (a bat spirit) in order to enter. Ryth figured out that maybe the “call” was just a very loud noise, cause bats see through noise or something. Being great at making loud noises I made some THUNDER, and the door opened.     There was giant room with a LOT of bat poop. So much bat poop that I must admit I got a bit sick, with something I was told was “Delver’s disease”. It wasn’t too bad though, and I was back in fighting form with the help of Pales’ magic. On the sides of the room there were GIANT stairs up and down, as well as 8 octagonal glyphs with animals on them. And one mushroom. We later discovered we were supposed to make “food chains” with them, and opened a door. There were some useful items in the room, but my notes are very thin about what else - I don’t think there was anything important in there.     We then went up the stairs into a giant maze. There were a whole bunch of rooms filled with animalistic mushrooms (which burn VERY well), goblins, creatures with ENORMOUS brains, a glossy eyed bugbear with a marks on his chest that looked like a lightning strike, and some very pale (not Pales) creatures which used to be Runidiri. Something was apparently taking their skin - we later found one who had escaped that fate, but more on that later.     The most suspicious room had a lot of lab equipment, chains, and big red vats with goblins literally appearing FROM THE VATS. Patrick took some of the liquid from the vats (not bats), and was going to investigate - not sure what he found, you should ask him.     The final room we had, where we all almost died, contained not vats, but BATS. And one giant bat named Hireek. He appeared to have gone insane - he had a red marking on him similar to what I’m told the aforementioned crocodile did. Pales turned invisible and tossed a magic potion in his mouth which would hopefully cure him. It didn’t do a great job, but seem to help a little. And then Hireek (the giant bat) flew away. This last bit only Pales was there for, as the rest of us were almost dead and magicked ourselves far away.     The final thing we did was find that elf man who had escaped the torture of being very pale (not Pales). His name was Bluebark, and he survived a hundred years in a tiny room by just each goodberries Sounds terrible. Good berries are, well, good. But not as the only food you eat! His Torovian friend Barliman unfortunately died. Pales played a pretty mean prank and animated Barliman, and Bluebark was insane enough to believe his friend had come back. Very sad. We also found a book there - my notes are a bit hazy, but it’s either “The Goat War” or “The Great War”. Either way it sounds like a fantastic read, and I believe it’s in the library. Not entirely sure what happened to Bluebark. I hope he gets some help.     Scribed by: Russell   Adventuring Party: Russell, Ryth Venali, Pale Moon, Patrick Smith   Date: 19JUN22
Report Date
19 Jun 2022


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