Report: The First Council of Bastion

Yesterday, many of us met to discuss what to do with the abandoned fortress of Bastion. Due to the costs of erecting new buildings, we also discussed the formation of an Adventurer's Guild to manage those funds. All the adventurers present agreed to join the Guild and pay dues; here are their names:  
  • Sir Elron Cartwright
  • Robin Foster
  • Vincent Maze
  • Basilio Rogelio Garcia Morales
  • Demirkan Rune
  • Russell
  • Argren Silveraxe
  • Patrick Smith
  • Stiks
  • Ryth Venali
  If anyone else would like to join this guild, please contact Ryth Venali and Patrick Smith.     Between restoring the land and determining what to build first, some coordination is necessary. For these tasks, Ryth Venali has agreed to take point:  
  • If you have any time you can spend to aid in the clearing of rubble, please see Ryth for direction on what plots need clearing next. While we expect everything to be cleared eventually, working together on the same plots will help us in the beginning.
  • Ryth will be contacting all guild members over the next week to learn what everyone's immediate preferences are regarding what to build. Please consider not only which buildings you think will provide the most value, but also the order in which to build them, keeping in mind whether we have people available to staff the buildings. Along those lines, if you intend to volunteer your time to staff any buildings, please inform Ryth of this.
  To finance the buildings, the guild will both collect dues and graciously accept donations.     Dues will be collected after Guild members venture out on quests. In the future, when the guild has more ways of providing income, it may make sense to collect additional dues, but that will be discussed when it becomes relevant. When returning from an adventure, most of us have typically made an attempt to evenly split the gold and common loot [OOC: anything with a listed price] among the party. Going forward, the Guild will also take one share of the loot. Thus, if a group of 4 members adventure together, they each receive 20% of the loot, and the Guild receives 20% of the loot.     In addition to its finances, the Guild will maintain a collection of magical artefacts that its members may freely borrow for adventures. This collection will be built up primarily from loans. If the owner (or owners, for shared items) is comfortable with selling their items, any Guild member may offer to purchase it or seek out a buyer. The owner(s) have final say on whether a price is acceptable. If an external buyer is found and a sale happens, the Guild will take one share of the gold, the member who found the buyer will take a share, and each owner will take a share. If the person who found a buyer owns the item, this means they get two shares.     Patrick Smith has offered to maintain records for the Guild's accounts and collection and to make these records public for all members:  
  • For donations, please contact Patrick to let him know what you're donating, and whether you wish to earmark the funds for any particular expenses.
  • If you have any items which you are willing to loan to other members, please also share that with Patrick, and let him know whether you are comfortable with selling the item.
  Finally, a note of intent: most of us have made our homes in Gravesend for the past year. While some of our mistakes have brought danger to the town, our presence has also provided some protection to the town. If a large number of us are going to be moving to live at Bastion once we restore it, we owe it to the people here to let them know what's happening.


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