Stonespire Temple

The Stonespire Temple is located in the a massive karst in the Stonespire Swamp.  Once this was the Temple of Hir'eek the bat spirit, but now serves to host several of the spirit beasts.  During the War of Ash the temple was raided and destroyed by celestial forces.  Decades later, the Adventurers of Bastion, reclaimed the temple, clearing out the wretched inhabitants and goblin intruders, as well as a hivemind that had formed from fallen Darkspore clan members.     Since its reclaiming, several of the smaller temples in the region have begun packing up their belongings and returning to the ancestoral temple.  The temple in the Stonehorn mountains as well as the small one in the Creeping Woods have begun a slow process of moving their spirits to their new home in the far more defensible Stonespire.     Notable Inhabitants

The Spirits of the Stonespire

  There are three spirits of the Stonespire.  Hir'eek, Lord of Swarms as he is called by the Runidiri is the bat spirit.  He currently takes the form of a khasir, until the Runidiri can cleanse the corruption of Riki-Visha and see herald in his rebirth.  Akil'zon the hawk spirit, bonded with the Runidiri sage Soaring Sky, was brought to the temple from a small temple of his own dedication.  Akil'zon can sometimes be seen by travelers, flying high above the Stonetalon Mountains.  He is considered a bad omen by most humans, halflings, and dwarves, but seeing him is a good omen amongst Runidiri travelers.  The final spirit, and arguably the most powerful is the wolf spirit Moro.  After Moros rebirth in the Creeping Wood she was brought to the Stonespire Temple.  She is a headstrong creature, and needs to be taken far afield to hunt, where there are no humans that may cross her path.  

Legacy of Pain

  The ancient Hir'eek fell during the War of Ashes but his khasir was later found by a goblin warlock called Riki-Visha. The warlock twisted and corrupted Hir'eek, not knowing the Runidiris ways of rebirthing the spirits. He used the corrupted blood to strengthen and control his goblins, and Hir'eek himself. Eventually the goblin was defeated, and Hir'eek was reverted to khasir form.   In the years after the war, many elves remained trapped within the Stonespire.  Some remained alive, surviving only on goodberries and guano, and were driven mad.  The members of the Darkspore clan in particular lost control of their fungal symbiants, which turned parasitic.  They formed a hivemind that intended to take over the minds of any creature within the Stonespire.
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