The Hulmalnaar

The Hulmalnaar are a group of tieflings who have gone into hiding in or around Uban. They are by far the largest concentrated group of tielfings on the Mortal Realm and despite serval of the Church of Celestine's crusades, have continued to endure there. It is rumored that they have hundreds of hiding places throughout the city, including tunnels beneath the city that let them travel more freely. They are rumored to have a headquarters called the Court of Fire somewhere in Uban.     The creator of this organization and current leader is a tiefling who goes by the nameĀ Ozu. He is said to serve a powerful being in Hell. He has harbored the The Blades of Ash in the past, and while does not support them actively, he does not actively oppose their meathods. They have also had contact with Lord Harys' The Brimstone Circle, and while they have different methods, they share information about threats or those in need freely.


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