Church of Celestine

The Church of Celestine is focused around the Goddess Celestine and the Heavenly Chorus of Archangels that helped to defeat the demons that threated to destroy Mortal Realm. The The Heavenly Chorus has taken a much more prominent role since the end of the war, granting the Emperor of the Celestine Empire, who is also the head of the Celestine Church the ability to commune with Celestine herself. The tenets of the Celestine church revolve around the ideas of charity, faith, kindness, and justice. The Church maintains a large branch of the Celestine army which is used to bring justice to the Empire.    


  The ordained members of the church who serve it in official capacity range quite a bit throughout the religion.
  • Vicar, Priest, Abess/Abott: These are the most common duties assigned to servants of the Church. They are the head of individual chapels, churches, abbeys and serve as community leaders. Large settlements may have multiple abbeys, chapels or churches, and thus could have multiple persons in this role. In the Celestine Empire vicars also serve as judges in matters of law.
  • Monk: Monks tend to have more academic persuits, often cloystered in monastaries and serve the church through teaching and transcribing the texts of Celestine.
  • Bishops: Bishops manage large geographical areas and the clergy contained wherein. They are often stationed at large cities to oversee church matters in the region. In important matters of law they will often replace the local clergy as judge. Renvere has two official bishops currently, one in Malaster, invited by Baron Mors Malaster, and one who serves on the Sages Council the Magister's Arcanum in Torenvar.
  • Templars: Celestine Templars are the only official knightly order in the Celestine Empire. Templars train in a process similar to squires for some time before becoming annointed. They serve are military commanders, warriors, and protectors for royalty. They tend to have extensive combat training and are outfitted by the church in high quality armor and weapons. Templars have general immunity from most laws in the Celestine Empire as long as they are performing their duties as Templar.
  • Inquisitor: Inquisitor is a prestigious position, often selected from students who show much promise during monastic training. They serve a role similar to the Templars in that they are tasked with protecting the Empire, however they do so by seeking out villainy within the Empire and bringing it to light. They often act as investigator and prosecutor to route out sources of sin or heresey. Inquisitors are banned from practicing in Renvere.
The New Champions  
Religious, Organised Religion


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