Timmons Waycrest

Timmons Waycrest is the youngest son of Diamon Waycrest, and widely regarded as the most dissapointing member of the family.  There have been some rumors that the abuse at the hand of his father for being a weak and dissapointing child have led to his rather unappealing need to feel important.  His aunt, Lilith Waycrest, helped him secure a position within the church when he came of age.  He served for several years under Inquisitor Mareth Tamrick in Edeau before eventually being recalled to the Imperial City.     Timmons was said to have few childhood friends outside his cousin Titania Waycrest.  He recieved similar treatment from his brother Denir as he did from his father, often being bullied for his meekness.     Most recently Timmons was named Emissary of the Third Canon and tasked with it's distribution through the kingdom of Renvere.


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