There are 6 known tiers of gods: Tier 1 he simple description is that they are beyond physical capabilities. No physical form could handle the massive amounts of power they wield and they couldn't concentrate their entire mental capacity in one area or else that place would probably just explode forvever. These gods are the building blocks of life and if they were to not exist of somehow be destroyed an entire aspect of life wouldn't exist. An exaple of that is Kistar, when he was stripped of godhood most of the giants lost their magic. Examples: Jesha, Brakkus, Tala, and at one point Kistar before he stripped of godhood Tier 2 A godly being that may have physical form but is beyond any mortal capabilities. They do not have infinite power and most of them were created by a tier 1 god. Examples: Khalas, Vozo, The Elements, Dawn God, Enou Tier 3 This is a shard of a god or a god created for a somewhat specific purpose. They have names like the god of love/hate, or a god of storms or lightning. Some of these gods are creations and others are children of gods. These are gods that could walk the material plane, although doing so would cause significant changes to the landscape and are usually the reason for massive places of power. The tier 2 gods have put boundrties on the celestial and infernal planes to prevent this from happening. while small man creatures are able to travel between realms these godly bodies have a more difficult time. Examples: Daruuk, Nocha, ByrnFyre, Yurmmundas, Punjaza Tier 4 This is a creature that has achieved godhood through various means or had been given this power by another god. Powerful mortals that have achieved something beyond mortality. Some ancient dragons and other magic creatures have found themselves in this rank as well Examples: Falkuast, The Emperor Tier 5 A creature that has achieved something beyond the average mortal. Usually immortal and has the power to wield magic beyond what others can. can shift the world around them in a small way. Ancient dragons with their regional effects can do this. Devils with the ability to have patrons can fall into this category. Mechanically this would be around a level 30 character, if it were possible. Examples: Yillgash, Rakdos, Bryce Tier 6 A creature that is beyond a heroic capability. Mechanically this is any creature that has achieved past level 20 character and has been given boons and powerful artifacts.