Emir Kaarde

Emir is Thaen's very famous bard persona who is known throughout Khovaire. He steadily rose to fame over the past 3-4 years. He started building his name in Sharn and then spreading it around lake Galifar for a time. According to Cissa his music has even reached Q'barra (because she shares it). While Corvus refers to him as "The World Famous Bard Emir" he is often referred to as "The Bard with the Golden Eyes", or as he likes to think "The Bard with Golden Lies".   Presently he is dating Cissa, the famous "Tavern Bird" and former Bird of Thrane, somewhat in secret. While they do have something of a public rivalry; in private he affectionately calls her "magpie" and she calls him "dove". He attributes this to his white hair, but given Corvus's other comments he was unsure. Testing the term on her one day he comes to realize, as he suspected, that it means 'Love'. He now in turn calls her, on occasion, inamorata.   Emir shares more characteristics with Thaen than he does with Vence. Where Vence is easy to get a rise out of doing so with Emir is, more or less, an exercise in futility. Emir's confidence makes it very difficult to get under his skin…if Emir retorts with an insult, it will be very subtle.   There are two things that are important to him, Cissa and his reputation; and he isn't willing to risk losing either.   There are however things that do annoy him. The sound of many children playing out of tune, some of Cissa's antics, surprises, and being served bacon and eggs without toast. Emir, on the whole, prefers order and not really getting involved if he doesn't have to. He largely considers himself Neutral but probably tends a little more towards Lawful than he'd ever admit.   Something to keep in mind when it comes to Emir, both Vence and Thaen  are very protective of him and his reputation and will defend it.


White, slicked back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10''